________________ 364 क्रिया-कोश book. This, as it would appear from your study, is a very important concept in Jain Philosophy with regard to the nature of Soul, both in the static or contemplative and its dynamic or active aspect. I am sure specialists will give a welcome accord to your book." "Wishing you all succes in your noble work of interpreting one of the most important aspects of our Indian civilisation and thought namely, the Jaina." Dr. Prof. L. Alsdorf, Seminar fur Kultur und Geschichte Indiens, Universitat Hamburg. "I acknowledge receipt of your Lesya-Kosa and accept my very sincere thanks for this most valuable and welcome gift. The theory of Karman, of which Lesya Doctrine is an integral part, is the very centre and heart of Jainism ; at the same time, it is a most intricate and complex subject the study of which presents a great many difficulties and problems, not all of which have been solved so far. With erudition and acumen, you have furnished a most useful contribution and successfully advanced our knowledge." Prof. Dr. K. L. Janert, Director, Institut fur Indologie Der Univer. sitat Zu Koln. "I have received your book Lesya-Kosa, I also owe you a valuable addition to my Library. It is always a matter of great satisfaction to me to see a scholar not recoil from the arduous task of compiling dictiona. ries, indexes etc.-even that great English Critic and Lexicographer, Dr. Samuel Johnson, called it drudgery some two hundred years ago. And it is of course only diligent collection and comparison of all relevant material that genuine advance in knowledge is based on. So we shall have to thank you for having made work easier for those who come after you." Prof. Padamanath S. Jain, Dept. of Linguistics, The University of Michigan, Michigan, U. S. A. "Please forgive me for the delay in acknowledging the receipt of your excellent gift of the Lesya-Kosa. This is an extraordinary work and you deserve our gratitude for publishing it You have opened a new field of research and have established a new model for all future Jain studies. The subject is fascinating not only for its antiquity but also for its value in the study of Indian Psychology." "Aho Shrutgyanam