trained him well; for he pleased king Mahipāla by winning victories in debates in Jirnadurga or Junagadha. Somasundarasūri conferred the dignity of Pandit' on him in A. D. 1436-7. On this occasion Mahadeva of Devagiri held a festival. In A. D. 1444-5, when the dignity of 'Vachaka' was conferred on him by Munisundarasüri in Mundasthala, Sanghapati Bhima held a festival In A. D 1460-1, Laxmisagarasüri became the head of his gatchha He worked for unity. Fortunately, his efforts were crowned with success. In A D. 1465-6, he honoured the deserving monks of his Gatchha by giving them titles "He died in A. D. 1490-1.
The following were the pious and religious deeds120 performed by various persons when Laxmisagarasuri was the head of gatchha:
(1) Sālha of Ukesavamsa set up a brass image weighing 120 mans, at Dungarapura He was a minister of King Somadāsa.
(119) Somacharita, Gurugunaratnakara, canto I
(120) The details given here are based on the Gurugunaratnāharakāvya (cantos, II. IV) completed by Somacharita in A. D. 1484-5. Somacharita was a contemporary of Laxmisagara and a pupil of Chāritrahansa who was a pupil of Somadevasūri.