Ahmedabad and came in contact with Panyasa Harikirti who impressed upon him that it was useless to enter the order of monks, as true preceptors were not found. Kaduva accepted the advice of Harikirti and spread his views about A D. 1505. He believed in idol worship.
The third difficulty was created by Parsvachandra Nagori, a pupil of Sādhuratna of Tapagatchha. He made many changes in the religious ceremonies and founded the Payachanda gatchha
The fourth difficulty was created by Vallabhacharya and other Vaishnava preachers.129
To surmount these difficulties, Anandavimalasuri of Tapagatchha made strict rules for Jain monks and enforced them rigorously. He practised austere penance for 14 years and created good impression on the people. He permitted Jain monks to go to Jesalmere. On the whole his efforts were crowned with success.10
(128) Desai, Jain Sahityano Itihasa, p. 510. ( 129 ) Ibid, p. 510
(130) Anandavimalasūri was born at Idar in A. D. 1490-1 His father's name was Megha and mother's name Maneka He was known as Taghakunvara before he entered the order of Jain monks. Hemavimalasūri