of Siddhas, Tirthankaras, and other innumerable Souls. In like way, the concept of only one reality will be acceptable from the point of view of the non-manifest state of God and the concept of the first cause and the creation of the universe by Him from the point of view of His manifest state. The fact of the existence of God's 'Grace dissolving all obstacles and often helping man inscru. tably with miracles is accepable in the same way in the totally impersonal operation of the Karma' theory in Jainsim by understanding of the particular situations or events happening as a result of the
fa state of mind or set of events by the same Eternal Principle which the manifest God has set in force directing the influx, stoppage, outflux and neutralization of karma particles. In the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, it is explained that "the Divine Grace is an action from above or from within independent of mental causes which decides its own movement-the self within choosing its own hour and way to manifest to the mental instrument on the surface: We can call it the flowering of the Inner being or Inner nature into Self - realisation and Self-Knowledge”. Almost the same thing in different words! It is only human ignorance in his particular state of consciousness which does not know how and why and, therefore, has created them.
“The world was not built with random bricks of chance A blind God is not destiny's Architect A Conscious Power has drawn the plan of life There is a meaning in each curve and line..
(Sri Aurobindo : Savitri)
Jainism believes in the existence of God. It is, however, neither theism, nor atheism as understood in the West. It believes in God, but not as anyone who has created this universe and all its myriad forms. The famous evolutionist of today, Erich Jantch, has said that 'God is not the creator but the mind of the universe. He is neither a male nor a female; nor manifest in any personal form. He represents nothing less than the 'self-organizing dynamics of the entire Cosmos. This is not the denial of the existence of God. It is only