Book Title: Jaina Ontology
Author(s): K K Dixit
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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JAINA ONTOLOGY Tapa (penance) 6
Utpatti 76, 77 Tarka 100, 127, 145, 146
Utthāna 19, 37 Tattva (verity, category) 5, 21, 64, 132, Vada 104, 115 150, 174, 177
Vaikriyasamudgbata 61 Tattvārthasraddhāna (faith in veritable Vaikriya-sarira-nāmakarma 176 reals) 5
Vaimānikadeva 51 Tattvopaplava 151
Vainayikī (mati) 19, 37, 14 Tattvopaplavavāda 151, 154
Vaireņa sprstaḥ 38, 175 Tirthankara (the higher authority on Vaktavyatā 72, 73 matters religious and spiritual)
Vanaspati (plant) 51, 63 56, 76, 101, 147
Varsa (regions of a world-continent) Tiryak (animal) 51, 57
19 Trasa (mobile-bodied souls) 63, 84, Vāyu 51, 63 135
Vayu (the layer of air occupying a Trindriya (three-sensed being) 51, 54 part of the space lying in bet.
ween two regions of the lower Trşnākşaya (cessation of worldly
world) 18 desire) 5
Veda (sexual behaviour) 52, 66, 85
Vedana (karmic experience) 5, 21, 60, Udaratrasa (it is class udaratrasa that includes dvindriya, trindriya,
62 caturindrya, pancendriya) 63
Vedanā 59, 79, 81, 82
Vedanasamudghata 61 Udaya 16, 79
Vedaniya-karma 71, 176 Uddesa 76, 77
Vedāpaurseyatvavada (the problem of Udiranā 80
Veda being an impersonal compoUdvartana 80
sition) 103, 147, 154 Upakāra (function) 85
Vibhakti 71 Upakrma 67, 68, 72, 73
Vibhangajñāna 23 Upamāna 22, 71, 73
Vidhāna 6, 66, 101 Upašama 16, 17
Vigrahagati (process of transmigration) Upašāmaka-apuravakaraña 15 Upašāmakabādarasamparāya 15
Vidhi (affirmation) 93, 121, 122, 136 Upašamakasāya 15
Vidhi-vidhi 121, 122, 136 Upasamanā 80
Vijñānavāda (idealism) 92, 99, 120, Upasamašreņi 30, 78, 128
140, 142, 145, 147, 154 Upasamašreņi-ārohi 38
Vikala-trika (two-, three-, four-sensed Upašānta-kaņāya 15, 16,
beings) 15 Upayoga (cognition) 19, 37, 52, 56, Virya (energy) 19, 37, 60 66, 84, sakāra- 56, nirakära- 56
Višeșa (particularity) 91, 115, 124, 126, Upodghāta 77
131, 178 Utpada (origination) 8, 86, 95, 98, Vitarāga (one devoid of passion) 5 132
Vyanjanaparyāya (nameable characte. Utpannāstika 96
ristic) 111, 112
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