King Tarapida of the city of Sricbandra had a minister named Sumitra, who was a devoted sravaka and regularly performed the samayıka, pratikramana and other religious rites. These were very much disliked by the king who said one day :
“Sumitra, why have you unnecessarily loaded yourself with these wortbless activities? You are emaciating your body with penances, but what is the outcome of this all ? Give up these oddities and have a pleasant life"
“Your Majesty! You should extend your co-operation to my spiritual activities But instead of doing that, you are only discouraging me This is somewhat unbecoming of you. You should know that good deeds alone help men in attaining true well-being”
"Sumitra! If you can demonstrate the instantaneous outcome of religion, then I may agree with you ; but not otherwise."
“Sure! The very fact that you are a king, the master of so much wealth, and responsible for the well-being of so many people, is the greatest proof of the practical utility of religion What other proof can excel this ?”
"Well take an example There is a slab of stone, It is cut into two pieces. One is used for the constraction of a staircase and the other is curved into an image. Will you say that one-half of the stone had accumulation of sins while the other half was all merit and piety ? Likewise, you take it from me, some one is a king, some one a minister and some one a mere attendant "
“Sire! There is no comparison between life and a slab of stone. The slab may be broken into many pieces, but not the soul of a living being. Each soul has a