Book Title: Jain Spirit 2004 06 No 19
Author(s): Jain Spirit UK
Publisher: UK Young Jains

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Page 35
________________ FEATURES 33 SCIENCE A SPIRIT PETER RUSSELL EXPLORES THE CONVERGENCE BETWEEN SPIRITUALITY AND SCIENCE ubstantial steps have been made in the science of consciousness over the last ten years, and there is much talk of a new paradigm emerging. But, I believe, we may stand on the threshold of an even more fundamental change: a shift in superparadigm. Thomas Kuhn coined the term 'paradigm' to refer to the beliefs and assumptions underlying a particular science. Beneath all our scientific paradigms there lies an even deeper and more pervasive assumption: the belief in the primacy of the material universe. It is believed that when we fully understand the world of space-time-matter-energy, we will be able to account for everything in the cosmos. Being the paradigm behind nearly all our scientific paradigms, this worldview has the status of a 'superparadigm Eminently successful as this model has been at explaining the world around us, it does not have much to say about the non-material world of the mind. Indeed, nothing in the physical sciences says that living systems should be conscious. Yet, the reality of consciousness is apparent to each and every one of us. As far as the current superparadigm is concerned consciousness is a great anomaly. Kuhn showed that when anomalies first arise they are usually overlooked or rejected. Or, if they cannot be so easily discarded, they are incorporated in some way, often clumsily, into the existing model. Witness, for example, the attempts of mediaeval astronomers, wedded to Plato's belief in the perfection of circular motion, trying to explain irregularities in planetary motion with theories of epicycles (circles rolling along circles, rolling along circles). For the most part it has ignored consciousness. As such, there is no conflict consciousness completely. More recently, between them. as developments across a range of For the same reason, there is currently little disciplines have shown that consciousness meeting between the two either. The cannot be so easily sidelined, science has current scientific paradigm does not include made various attempts to account for it. consciousness or the mind as a Some have looked to quantum physics, fundamental reality, but seeks to explain some to information theory, others to everything in physical terms. Western neuropsychology. But the failure of these science has now looked out to the edges of approaches to make any appreciable the Universe, back in time to the beginning headway into the problem of of creation and down into the sub-atomic consciousness suggests that they may be structure of matter, and it finds no place, on the wrong track. We may need to nor need, for God. But this is because it has challenge some of our most fundamental not yet included the inner realm of mind in assumptions about the nature of reality. its scope. When science explores mind as As we begin to explore what Ken Wilber fully as it has explored space, time and calls the more tender end of the matter, it will create a new worldview, one spectrum', we find systems that take a that includes spirituality. more spiritual stance. In trying to pin Spirituality, on the other hand, is often very down consciousness, science may find it unscientific in its approach to selfhas embarked upon a course that will liberation. People believe things simply ultimately lead it to embrace the spirit because someone has said it or written it. and - dare we say - God. To the scientific This is hardly the best way to arrive at establishment, rooted in the physicalist truth. Mahavir warned against this 2,500 worldview, this is anathema (but so was years ago when he said: "Do not believe the notion of the solar system four anything because I have told you it is so. hundred years ago) Only believe it when you have tested it New paradigms emerge because they for yourself." In this respect spiritual make sense of apparently conflicting growth can and should be very scientific. observations. We might expect the same We can hypothesize whether certain with a new superparadigm, though on a meditation practices enhance awareness, grander scale. The synthesis that emerges then set up a personal experiment in could turn out to be much more than an meditation practice and see what the integration of diverse theories within the results are. This is important not only to prevailing scientific model. We could see make sure that we do not deceive the synthesis of the seemingly ourselves, but also to ensure that our incompatible worlds of science and spirit spiritual progress is as rapid as possible. in a radically different worldview-not so apid spiritual growth is something the much a larger umbrella as a new umbrella. world needs today very badly. Both science and spirituality are in search for truth. One is the search for the truth Peter Russell has written extensively on of the present world, the other is the theoretical physics, psychology and search for the truth of the nature of meditation. Western science has followed a similar pattern in its approach to consciousness. Jain Education Interational 2010_03 For Private & Personal Use Only


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