Paarul Shah tells us about the challenge and satisfaction of cycling for charity IN THE EARLY MORNING OF 200km, but I soon forgot my make use of the facilities, eat and enjoy 25 July 2002, 140 eager cyclists inhibitions when I encountered the after-dinner entertainment. I tried
and 21 excited volunteers gathered friendly faces everywhere I went. to get an early night in preparation for with their friends and family outside The first day of cycling was not the next day, but my room-mates Harrow Civic Centre in London to bad at all. I did not seem to would not hear of it! embark upon a five-day journey to the be suffering from aching muscles The final day seemed to fly by. We Netherlands. It was the grand finale to and sore bottoms like a few of my all set off enthusiastically to complete the plans that had been evolving for
and surpass the 200km challenge, months. The joint project by
knowing that our efforts would Shishukunj and Veerayatan UK
benefit the future of children entitled 'Cycling for
across the globe. The Children' had drawn in a
temperature was 30 far greater number of
degrees centigrade, supporters than expected.
and there was hardly The aim was to raise the
even a breeze, but majestic sum of at least
everyone persevered £100,000 that would
till the end. I was benefit deprived children
certain that I all over the world,
would complete especially in India,
the challenge, as the Kenya, the U.K. and
run on the fourth day of Holland. This was to
the trip was the shortest, be achieved by
but I still felt a sense of individuals being
relief when I did. sponsored to cycle
Reaching the end gave no less than 200km
us all a buzz, largely over a three-day
because everyone made it. period around the
I believe that selfless Netherlands.
service (seva) elevates the The whole experience for
quality of my life. It helps me as a participating cyclist
me to contribute to society was truly amazing. I saw only
and gives me skills and some of the hard work and
training which I would never get commitment that had been put
at such a young age. I would like to into the project from the
encourage young people to get beginning, but even this was
involved in such projects and enhance immense. The carefully planned
their own skills and self-confidence. meetings led by volunteers not only fellow cyclists. The food along the My parents encouraged and supported informed us of what we would be way and for dinner was absolutely me throughout and I would like to doing, where we would be staying, delicious and, in my opinion, well recommend parents to support young when we would be leaving and so on, earned by all of us. Although the people in such endeavours. This is but also allowed us to meet fellow Dutch scenery was not all that good training, for life. cyclists and make acquaintances before interesting, it was definitely very the trip itself.
beautiful and the flat paths made To be quite honest, my emotions cycling much easier. on the day of departure were It was a slight struggle to wake Paarul Tushar Shah is fourteen years old dominated by nervousness. Judging by ourselves up on the second morning of and lives in London. She was a delegate practice runs in England, I was not the tour, but the early start gave us a at the Young Jains International confident that I would make the whole chance to return to the hotel in time to Convention and trip in August 2002.
December 2002 - February 2003
Jain Spirit
Jain Education International 2010_03
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