Motivated by her Jain values, Reana Shah draws attention
e to the plight of mistreated animals
their habitat, the kidnapped significant to some as nuclear warfare polar bears were also or suicide bombings, we must realise subjected to solitary that all three are acts of violence. As confinement in individual Jains, when we see any act of violence, cages. When they weren't our job is to correct it to the best of our confined, the bears were abilities. If we do not eat meat because inhumanely trained to we do not support the cruel treatment perform in the circus as of animals then there is no reason in entertainment for the locals my mind that we should not protest and tourists.
against the kidnapping of animals. As Luckily PETA informed living beings, we are all equal whether federal agents of the illegal we walk on two, four or eight legs. kidnapping, and one of the Humans have an easier time
polar bears, named Alaska, The polar bear was forced to perform in the totally
dealing with injustice, because we are unsuitable conditions of Puerto Rico
has been rescued. Alaska able to express ourselves through
now resides in the speech. It is sad to see that the world IT WAS ONLY A FEW MONTHS Baltimore Zoo with a companion still cannot get along even though we
ago that I found myself opening named Magnet. Unfortunately, there are given many chances to resolve our
what I thought to be just a routine are still six bears in Puerto Rico that differences. Animals, on the other piece of mail. It was from PETA
need our help and support. I am hand, do not have the same ability or (People for the Ethical Treatment of
opportunity. Therefore, as Jains, we Animals), and contained something
should be willing to devote time to help that ended up having a big impact on
needy animals. Compassion is always my life.
returned, and an act of kindness, no An adorable white polar bear
matter how small, is never wasted. I graced the top of the enclosed note, but
hope reading about the tragic soon my pleasure turned to horror. The
kidnapping of the seven polar bears note was about the tragic kidnapping of
also inspires you to do something about polar bears a few months earlier. It
it. There is a lot of injustice done turned out that the Suarez Brothers, of
against animals in different parts of the the Suarez Bros. Circus, captured
world. As Jains, I feel it is our duty to seven of these furry friends and took
make a difference, and speak out them to be trained for their circus in
wherever and whenever possible. Puerto Rico. If being kidnapped was
If you would like to make a not tragic enough, the bears were then confident that with aggressive though difference, please visit www.peta.org subjected to the difficult and unfamiliar not attacking letters and phone calls, for more information or enquire with climate of Puerto Rico. The prefix these bears can be rescued and returned local animal protection groups in your polar' refers to the cold climate of the to a rightful home and treatment.
area. You will discover a lot of animal north and south poles. Temperatures With all the turmoil, death and lovers who are keen to make a routinely drop below zero and the
warfare going on in the world today, difference. This will also be an inhabitants (mainly polar bears and
one might wonder why the kidnapping opportunity for you to share with them penguins) of the area are happy and of polar bears is significant. The the deep compassion of Jainism. comfortable in this climate. Puerto reason is simple: as Jains, we believe Rico, on the other hand, regularly
that every act of violence, no matter experiences humidity levels of around how small, is wrong. Even though the
Reana Shah is a determined student 100%. On top of being displaced from
I living in Redland, California.
"Animals have no voice against human
December 2002 - February 2003. Jain Spirit
Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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