Book Title: Jain Society Greater Atlanta 2008 11 Pratistha
Author(s): Jain Center of Greater Atlanta
Publisher: USA Jain Center Greater Atlanta

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Page 57
________________ The Bhattaraka Tradition In the fourfold division of the Jain society consisting of inscriptions mentioning this order. Most of these idols were shravakas (male laity), shravikas (female laity), sadhus installed by the Bhattarakas of this order in the past 7-8 (monks) and sadhvis (nuns), the Bhattaraka, a specific centuries. Many of these Bhattarakas were great scholars Digambar institution, is placed above the laity but below and prolific authors. the ascetics. He resides in a permanent domicile called matha and is committed to living a celibate life. He, like a The ancient institution at Humcha (Hombuja) is the fully ordained monk, carries "Peechhee”-a fly-whisk made original home of the MNBS order. It is headed by of peacock feathers but wears three pieces of clothing. Bhattaraka Devenderakeerty. He is the only existing However, he need not pluck his hair and may travel by any Bhattaraka of the MNBS order, several Jain organizations kind of transport. Unlike a full monk, a Bhattaraka wears are run by the institute at Humcha. The present Bhattaraka an orange robe, stays in a single place and is involved in of Humcha who bears the title Devendrakirthi Swamigal management of assets of the institution. was traditionally chosen by his predecessor and installed in 1971 at the age of twenty-two. He is both an able His main duties lie in the fields of education, social and conservator of Jain traditions and values as well as an *medical welfare, in fostering amity among the members enterprising innovator in fields such as education and of the community, and in keeping religious rites and social welfare. traditions alive. Further, he is expected to be well versed in matters of doctrines and sacred law as well as being an His holiness Jagadguru Sri Devenderakeerty Bhattarak able administrator and negotiator when it comes to settling Mahaswamiji was born on May 25, 1949, as Vinaya disputes with local or state governments. Bhattaraka is an Chandra' in a royal family of Mulky, South Kanara expert in all scriptures, and has the authority to recite the District, of Karnataka State, India. He had his early suri-mantra (to consecrate an image). He is also responsible education at his native place and earned his B.Sc. in for preserving the order. He is the head of the six limbs 1971, M.A. in philosophy in 1974 and Doctorate (PhD) of the sangh: shravaka, shravika, pandit (bramha), muni in 1979. His holiness Sri Mahaswami accepted the saintly (vrati), aryika and Bhattaraka. life (Deeksha) on March 20, 1971 and shortly after that was assigned as the Head of Sri Hombuja Jain Math on Traditionally, a Bhattaraka nominates his successor, almost October 30, 1971. always from among his disciples. If for any reason he fails to do that, a committee of lay-people will select a new As a religious and spiritual head of Jain religion (Digamber Bhattaraka. When death approaches, the custom prevails Sect), he strives to bring harmony among all the various that a Bhattaraka will discard his three pieces of clothing, Sects of the Jain faith (Swetambar, Digamber, Stanakwasi, so that he may die the death of an ordained monk, which Terapanthi, Srimadrajchand Panth etc) in India and is naked. abroad. It is because of his long vision, peace loving and quite nature that more than 51 temples have been built for The Bhattaraka seat at Humcha was founded in the the Hindus and Jain faith in the USA, Canada, England, 8th century AD, during the reign of Jinadatta Rai, Nepal, Australia and elsewhere. He is the first Jain monk of founder of the ruling dynasty of Santar. In 1048 AD, the Digamber Sect in the history of Jain religion to go abroad, Mahamandaleshwara Chandarayarus made a donation to a crossing the Indian borders, for the propagation of Indian Bhattaraka of Balagara-gana at Balligame near Banavasi religion and philosophies in general and Jain religion and in present-day Karnataka. Thus, the Bhattaraka seat at philosophy in particular. Humcha may be one of the oldest of its kind. As a highly learned scholar and orator His Holiness has The most widespread Bhattaraka order has historically been written several books on religion and philosophy and has the Mula Sangh-Nandi Sangh-Balatkara Gana-Saraswati delivered hundreds of speech around the world. He has Gachchha (MNBS) order. There are perhaps hundreds of published hundreds of Religious books under the auspithousands of Tirthankara idols, spread across the country cious of Sri Siddhanthakeerty Granthmala. He is chief edifrom Surat (Gujrat) to Decca (Bangladesh) bearing tor of a monthly magazine Guredeva.”


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