Book Title: Jain Siddhant Bhavan Granthavali Part 02 Author(s): Rushabhchand Jain Publisher: Jain Siddhant Bhavan Aara View full book textPage 9
________________ Foreword Bihar has played a great role in the history of Jainism. Last Tirthankar, Mfahayıra, who gave a great Gillip to the Jain religion, was born here and spread his message of peace and ahimsa. It is from the land of Bihar that the fountain of Jainism spread its influcnce to thc different parts of India in ancient period And in the modern agc thc Jain Siddhanta Bhavan at Arrah in Bhojpur district has .cpt thc torch of or Jainism burning It occupics a unique place among the modern Jnin institutions of culture. This institution was cstablished in promoc historical roscarch and advancement of Inowledge particularly Jain learning. There is a collection of thousands or manuscripts, rare books, pictures and palm-icas manuscripts. in Shri Devakumar Jain Oriental Library Arrah attached to the said institution. Some or the manuscripts contain rarc Jain paintings Thcsc manuscripts are very valuablc for the study of thc crccd as well as the socio-cconomic life of ancient India The present work "Sri Jain Siddhanta Bhavan Granthavali" being the Catalogue of Sanskrit, Prakrit, Apibhramsa and Hindi Manuscripts is being prepared in six volumes Fach volume contains two parts First parts consists of the list of manuscr ipts preserved 10 the institution with some basic informations such as accession number, title of the work, name of the author, scripts, language, size, datc etc Part second which is named as Parisieja (Appendix) contains more details about the manuscripts recorded in the first part. The author has taken great pains in preparing the present Catologue and deserves congratulations for the commendable job, Th18 work will no doubt remain for long time a ready book of reference to scholars of ancient Indian Culture particularly Jainism February 29, 1988 Vikas Bhavan, Patna (Naseem Akhtar) Director, Museums Bihar, PatnaPage Navigation
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