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39. Nyayakumudacandra of Prabhācandra, Vol II See No 38 above Edited by Pt MAHENDRAKUMAR SHASTRI who has added an Introduction in Hindi dealing with the contents of the work and giving some details about the author. There is a Table of contents and twelve Appendices giving useful Indices Bombay 1941. Royal 8vo pp 20+94 +403-930. Price Rs. 8/8/-.
40 Varangacaritam of Jatä-Suhanandı A rare Sanskrit Kavya brought to light and edited with an exhaustive critical Introduction and Notes in English by Prof. A. N. Upadhye, M A, Bombay 1938, Crown pp 16+56+392, Price Rs 3/
Mahapurana of Puspadanta, Vol II (Samdhis 38-80): Sec No 37 above The Apabhramsa Text critically edited to the variant Readings and Glosses, along with an Introduction and five Appendices by Dr P L VAIDYA, MA, D Litt, Bombay 1940 Royal 8vo pp 24+570 Price Rs 101
42 Mahāpurana of Puspadanta, Vol III (Samdhis 81-102) Sec No 37 and 40 above The Apabhramsas Text critically edited with variant Readings and Glosses by Di P L VAIDYA, M. A, D Litt The Introduction covers a biography of Puspadanta, discussing all about his date, works, patrons and metropolis (Manyakheta). Pt. PREMI's essay 'Mahākavi Puspadanta' in Hindi is included here Bombay 1941. Royal 8vo pp. 32+28+314. Price Rs. 6/-.