tremórka of Amitagati 10) Vairagyamanimala of Sricandra. 11) Tattvasara in Prakrit) of Devasena 12) Śrutaskandha (in Prakrit) of Brahma Hemacandra 13) Dhädasi-gātha in Prakrit with Sk, chāya. 14) Fñanosūra of Padmasimha, Prakrit text and Sk. chāya. PT. PREMI has added short critical notes on these authors and their works Edited by PT. MANOHARLAL, Bombay Samvat 1975, Crown pp 4.176, Price As. 14/-.
*14. Apagāra-dharmimpta of Asadhara · Second part of the Dharmāmrta dealing with the rules about the life of a monk Text and author's own commentary. Edited with verse and quotation Indices by Prs BANSIDHAR and MANOHARLAL, Bombay Samvat 1976, Crown pp 692-35, Price Rs. 3/8)-.
#15 Yuktyanušāsaga of Samantabhadra A logical Stotra which has weilded great influence on later authors like Siddhasena, Hemacandra etc. Text published with an equally important commentary of Vidyānanda. There is an introductory note on Vidya. nanda by PT PREMI. Ed by PIS INDRALAL and SHRILAL, Bombay Samvat 1977, Crown pp 6-182, Price As. 13/.
*16. Nayacakra-adi-sangraha : This vol. contains the following texts 1) Laghu-Nayacakra of Devasena, Prakrit text with Sk chāyā. 2) Nayacakra of Devasena, Prakrit text and Sk. chāyā 3) Alapapaddhatt of Devasena. There is an introductory note in Hindi on Devasena and his Nayacakra by PT. PREMI. Edited by Pt. BANSIDHARA with Indices, Bombay Samvat 1977, Crown pp. 42-148, Price As. 15/-.