or Samāyika-patha of Amitagati 20) Dharmarasajana of Padmanandı. Prakrit text and Sk chāyā 21) Sarasamuccaya of Kulabhadra. 22) Amgapannalt of Subhacandra Prakrit text and Sk. chāyā. 23) Śrutadatūra of Vibudha Sridhara. 24) Šalakanıksepananişkāsana-vrvaranam 25) Kalyanamala of Āsadhara. Pr PREMI has added critical notes in the Introduction on some of these authors. Edited by PT. PANNALAL SONI Bombay Samvat 1979 Crown pp. 32-324, Price Rs 1/8
*22 Nitiväkyämrtam of Somadeva : An important text on Indian Polity, next only to Kautilya-Arthaśastra. The Sūtras are published here along with a Sanskrit commentary. There is a critical Introduction by PREMI comparing this work with Arthaśāstra. Edited by PT. PANNALAL SONI, Bombay Samvat 1979, Crown pp. 34-426, Price Rs 1/12/
*23. Molācāra of Vattakera, part II ; Prakrit text, Sk, chāyā and the commentary of Vasunandi, see No 19 above Bombay Samvat 1980, Crown pp. 332, Price Rs 1/8/..
24. Ratnakarandaka-śrävakicára of Samantabhadra · With the Sanskrit commentary of Prabhacandra. There is an exhaustive Hindi Introduction by PT. JUGAL KISHORE MUKTHAR, extending over more than pp. 300, dealing with the various topics about Samaktabhadra and his works. Bombay Saṁvat 1982, Crown pp. 2-84252-114, Price Rs. 2/