48th. 49th. 50th. 51st.
would attack his kingdom and inflict defeat upon him. During his pontificate, crya Nanna of Koram a gaccha contributed towards the assimilation of many lineages into Jainism.
c rya Kakka S ri (XI) c rya Devagupta S ri (XI) crya Siddha S ri (XI)
c rya Kakka: He was a very ardent practitioner of penance. He became crya in Vikram 1155 and life long observed 'ek ntara upav sa'. For breaking his fast, he used to take yambila (tasteless single item food). c rya Hemacandra had great veneration for him. To obliterate frivolous, degenerated and slackened austerities, he disqualified many monks and femalemonks, and relaunched reform movement. Then onwards this gaccha was called “Kakud c rya gaccha'. He breathed his last in Vikram 1212
c rya Devagupta S ri (XII): Subsequent to the reformation movement by Kakka S ri, the 51 c rya of Upake a gaccha and after it came to be known as Kakad c rya gaccha, Devagupta S ri took up the rank of c rya. His pontificate lasted for nearly 67 years, from Vikram 1165 to 1232.
c rya Siddha S ri: During his times, Ya odeva-Dhanadeva wrote Navapada- k in A ahillapura Pa a a (Granth grantha Pram a).
c rya Kakka. c rya Devagupta S ri. He held the rank in Vikram 1252. c rya Siddha Sri c rya Kakka Sri c rya Devagupta S ri
c rya Siddha S ri. During his times, habudd na Gaur invaded Osiy in Vikram 1252.
c rya Kakka c rya Devagupta: He was a great scholar c rya Siddha c rya Kakka c rya Devagupta Sri c rya Siddha S ri. His tenure was inferred as Vikram 1330.
c rya Kakka Sri. Sult na ahaj gara celebrated his coronation ceremony in Vikram 1371.
c rya Devagupta
54th. 55th. 56th. 57th. 58th. 59th.
60th. 61 st. 62nd. 63rd. 64th. 65th. 66th.