The Temple of Adinath
A black idol of Mul Nayak Adinath is in the underground celler of the temple. The 33" idol of the Lord in the Yogic posture of padmasan is very ancient. There is yet another ancient idol of Padmaprabhu of black stone which is 29" high.
An ancient 18" idol of Chandraprabhu of white marble is on the first floor. Besides, there are a number of idols of metal and Yantras and Siddhachakras too. The wooden altar is again adorned with celestial damsels. There is a framed painting of Sametshikhar.
The Temple of Neminath of Digambars
Jain Education International
The idol of Mul Nayak Shri Neminath Swami is seated in the Yogic posture of Padmasan. Besides this 28" high and 20" wide idol of black stone, there are a number of metal idols and Yantras of silver, copper and bronze. There is also a Swetamber Jain temple of Shantinath here. The temple is a newly built one. The inside of its dome is decorated with oil paintings of the twentyfour Tirthankars. Though these paintings are comparatively modern they are beautifully drawn. On the left hand side of the main entrance, there is a large pat painting which is full of a number of details. The style of the pat clearly reminds us of the one we have seen in Bharuch. In all probability both the pat paintings are paintinted by the same artist.
The Digambar Jain Temple of Shitalnath Sajod.
Sajod is a small village nearly 9 k.m. away from Ankleshwar. Acording to an old tradition the idol of Shri Shitalnath swami was recovered from Ramkund in the vicinity of Sajod. When this kund or tank was dug, two idols and a nandi or the bull figure, generally found in the temple of Shiva, were unearthed. One of the two was an idol of Shri 1008 Shitalnath swami and the other was that of Shri 1008 Chintamani Pashwanath swami. Originally the Jains wanted to take both the idols to Ankleshwar and install them in temples dedicated to them. But it was so decided that the bullocks of the carts carrying the idols would be allowed to go in the direction they liked. One cart carrying the idol of Shri Shantinath swami came to Mewada street in Ankleshwar. But the other carrying the idol of Shri Shitalnath swami went to
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Jain Kashthapat Chitra: 65