Book Title: Jain Digest 2018 10
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ JainDigest Editor's Note Jain Digest-Chairman's Message Om Shri Veetragay Namah Jai Jinendra, Jai Jinendra, Jain Digest committee is very much It is always wonderful to know thankful to the do-nors without whose support it would just not that you, our readers, enjoy be possible to continue publishing reading the Jain Digest issues. such a wonderful and a meaningHowever, once in a while ful magazine with contents that we get feedback that brings elevates and connects Jains in North tears to my eyes. That is what America. We are also very much happened when I read the thank-ful for the overwhelming e-mail from Swati Shah from Rhode Island. She wrote: compliments that we received towards the June issue. "Reading and educating myself with Jain Digest articles has enlightened my views about Jainism especially since Regarding the upcoming 20th Biennial JAINA Conven-tion to going through some health/work related issues. I use it as be held in Los Angeles next year, it gives me im-mense pleasure my source of guidance, inspiration and take the articles to announce that we received around 1100 registrations within (with me) especially when traveling." 48 hours of opening of the Convention registrations. As of September 30th, the count has reached 1600. We appreciate Several people have told us that they consider each the support and enthusiasm of our community. issue of Jain Digest as a keepsake and read the articles over and over again. We are grateful for your love and All the committees are working very hard to see that this appreciation and on behalf of our editorial staff and all convention is memorable for a very long time. The cultur-al the writers, I thank for the opportunity to serve. committee had shown a small part of their performance during paryushan at Jain Center of Southern California. It was so The June issue with the theme of "Bhavana" was well impressive and entertaining that the entire community wanted received by various people such as parents of young them to repeat that short dance. They said that this was only children, young professionals and Jain scholars as well. a trailer and to see the entire show you need to attend the In this issue we bring you articles on the remaining eight convention. We have more than 40 speakers already confirmed to attend the convention. We are working on getting a very high bhavanas - Anyatva, Ashuchi, Ashrav, Samvar, Nirjara, profiled inspirational Keynote Speaker. Lokswarup, Bodhi Durlabh and Dharma. We hope that you find them interesting, educational and spiritually The highlight of the convention is going to be a 6000 sq. ft. elevating. Temple we are going to have inside the convention center. It is sure to spiritually elevate all attendees. In the February 2018 issue we had published an article about importance of "Daan" (Charity) in Jainism. Does The registration fees are affordable; however, the price will slightly such giving make you happy? Read more about how to go up from Nov 1st, 2018. To get the best deal, register as soon make giving feel good in an article from UC Berkeley's as possible. Here is the link - Greater Good Science Center. Your input and suggestions on what you would like to read in The Jain Digest team congratulates YJA for an amazing the Jain Digest publication will help us in creating themes of convention held in Chicago this year. Read about YJA interest. You may email us, articles and any information that can and the convention report in this issue. Summer of 2019 be shared with our community mem-bers. brings another convention - the 20th Biennial JAINA Convention - to Los Angeles. Registration is open and We are always looking for volunteers that are interested in excitement is in the air! contributing their time & talent in designing/content development. you may email us at We certainly hope you enjoy reading this issue and provide us your valuable feedback by writing to us at Thanks! Peace, Love & Happiness, In Seva, Mahesh Wadher Chairman, Jain Digest Committee Chairman, JAINA Calendar Committee JAINA First Vice President Convener JAINA 2019 Convention Dilip Parekh


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