Book Title: Jain Digest 2018 10
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ JainDigest This led him to make a firm resolution about spiritual jobs, and more. Basically, anything you can use to path and decided to become a monk. describe who you are can be a sign of attachment. It is the illusive oneness with external objects, name, fame b) Detachment towards events recognition, social standing in society that gives rise to "Let go' is certainly the most fundamental in the path of influx of new karmas. The more we become detached, spiritual development. We have to realize the temporary the more we feel liberation or freedom. We have to nature of events - no matter how important they seem understand the temporary nature of everything that is at the time. Often, we give too much importance to the external and detach from it. events and spend a lot of time thinking and worrying about them. This is due to ignorance, fear and desire to 2) Virati: Doing efforts to advance spiritually control the outcome. Many times, we make situations After learnig about Jain principles, karma theory, worse for ourselves - and for others - by too much various rituals from scriptures and from Guru, we need thinking. We create our own misery. to put them in practice. For example, after learning about the Bhavanas, (12 Anupreksha) we need to All the external happening are karma related 'effect' contemplate upon them and make them part of our arising out of 'cause you had given in the past. belief system. This will stop the influx of karma. After Therefore, any effort to change the 'effect' is simply a knowing about importance of Tap, we need to do an waste of time and energy. Additionally it leads to new effort to do whetever is our physical capacity. Such karmic bondage. Acceptance of the circumstance 'as actions purify us and helpd us advance spiritually. is' or with conscious response sets the stage for samvar bhavana. We must remain an observer to happening 3) Apramattata: Awareness in and around without bondage of new karma. We We need to icrease our awareness about the actions of must go inside of ourselves and become detached our mind, speech and body. 3 Guptis (restraint of mind, from judgment and projection. Enjoy each moment speech and body), 5 Samitis (maintaining vigilance without clinging to it and when that moment starts to while performing any activity) help us do that. We disappear just 'let it go' without having any effect on need to realize that we are the masters of our mind. your subconscious mind or inner self. Mastering the mind means having control over our thoughts, our emotions, our desires. We need to be You have to learn careful when we speak, what we speak, how we speak to do your best and and only speak when necessary. With our body, we ACCEPT-THEN ACT. WHATEVER THE then detach from need to be careful not to cause anyone any harm. Such PRESENT MOMENT the outcome. Who is awareness will reduce the influx of karma. CONTAINS, ACCEPT preventing you? Your IT AS IF YOU HAD own past experiences 4) Veetragata: Control over passions CHOSEN IT...THIS and expectations of The passions such as Anger, Ego, Deceit and Greed WILL MIRACULOUSLY the future. Just "drop cause the influx of karma. The way to combat these is TRANSFORM YOUR the past, drop the by developing the virtues (10 Yati Dhama). Of the 10 WHOLE LIFE. future, just simply virtues, 4 are directly related to the 4 passions. ECKHART TOLLE be." In that moment to remove anger, we need to practice forgiveness. of simply being. We need to be able to forgive others and ask for immense blessings descend on you. Chandanbala is forgiveness. an excellent example of 'letting go' at every stage of To get rid of ego, we need to develop the virtue of adverse circumstances. She was even thankful to Mula humility; be respectful of the learned, elders and shethani to fulfill the conditions required to satisfy those that are guiding us on the spiritual path. The the 'abhigrah' Lord Mahavira had assumed before more we will learn to appreciate virtues in other he accepts the elms from Chandanbala. This 'let go' people and learn to observe our own faults, the more principle took her all the way to self-realization and humble we will become. beyond. • To get away from deceitful behavior, we need to be straight-forward; like a child. c) Detachment towards material things To stop greed, we need to leaarn to be content with Many people are also attached to money, social status, what we have and practice glad acceptance.


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