Book Title: Jain Digest 2007 04
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ Jain Digest - Summer 2007 EDUCATION Unification of Parsvanath and Mahavir made the following reflection: "Is our Law the right one or is the other Law the right one? Are Followers - Rajiv Jain (E. Brunswick, NJ) our conduct and doctrines right or the other? The Law as taught In the Uttaradhyana Sutra, a very interesting account is given by the great sage Parsva, which recognizes but four vows, or the about how the followers of Parsvanath unified with the followers Law taught by Vardhaman, which enjoins five vows. The Law of Mahavir through a legendary meeting between Kesi, a si which forbids clothes (for monks), or that which allows) an follower of Thirthankar Parshva and Gautam Indrabhutti, the under and upper garment? under and upper garment? Both pursuing the same end, what great sage and direct disciple of Mahavir. Given that there was has caused their difference a 250 year gap between Parshva and Mahavir, kesi was not a Knowing the thoughts of their pupils, both Kesi and Gautam direct disciple in the literal sense but was a prominent disciple made up their minds to meet each other. Gautam, knowing of Parsva tradition. what is proper and what is due to the older section (of the Based on the answers provided to Kesi's questions, we can easily church), went to the Tinduka park, accompanied by the observe why Gautam was considered one of the most wise crowd, his pupils. When Kesi, the young monk, saw Gautam and greatest sages of that era. His metaphorical answers serve approach, he received him with all becoming attention. He at to help us understand the importance of Rational perception, once offered Gautam the four pure kinds of straw and hay to rational knowledge and rational conduct. As a result of the sit upon. Kesi, the young Shraman, and the famous Gautam, meeting, according to Jain tradition, the followers of Parsva sitting together, shone forth with a luster like that of sun and united with followers of Mahavir. It is interesting to note that moon. There assembled many heretics out of curiosity, and although Gautam addresses the issue of who is right in regard many many thousands of laymen. Gods, Danavas, Gandharvas, to monks wearing clothes or not, and Kesi accepted Gautam's utamis Yakshas, Rakshasas, and Kinnaras (assembled there), and there Taksnas, Kaksnasas answer leading to unification, the issue erupts again 200 years came together invisible ghosts too. later -- resulting in the division of Jainism into Svetambar and Kesi said to Gautam, "I want to ask you something, holy man". Digambar sects. Then, to these words of Kesi, Gautam made the following reply: This particular account (Meeting between Kesi and Gautam) "Sir, ask whatever you like." Then, with his permission, Kesi below is found in Chapter 23 of Jaina Sutras, Vol. II. The spoke to Gautam: "The Law taught by the great sage Parsva, Uttaradhyayana Sutra: The Sutrakritanga Sutra/translated from recognizes but four vows, whilst that of Vardhaman enjoins Prakrit by Hermann Jacobi in 1884. five. Both Laws pursuing the same end, what has caused this difference? Have you no misgivings about this twofold Law, Kesi and Gautama O Wise man?" There was a Jina, Parshva by name, a Arhat, worshipped by Then, to these words of Kesi, Gautam made the following the people, who was thoroughly enlightened and omniscient, a reply" "Wisdom recognizes the truth of the Law and the prophet of the Law, and Jina. And there was a famous disciple ascertainment of true things. The first saints were simple but of this Light of the World, the young Shraman, Kesi, who slow of understanding, the last saints prevaricating and slow had completely mastered the sciences and right conduct. He of understanding, those between the simple and wise; hence possessed the light of Sruti and Avadhi Knowledge, and was there are two forms of Law. The first could but with difficulty surrounded by a crowd of disciples; wandering from village to understand the precepts of Law, and the last could only village he arrived in the town of Sravasti. In the district of that with difficulty observe them, but those between them easily town there is a park, called Tinduka; there he took up his abode understood and observed them". "Well, Gautam, you possess in a pure place to live and sleep in. wisdom, you have destroyed my doubt; but I have another Now, at that time, there lived a Prophet of the Law, the Jina, doubr which you must explain to me, Gautam. The Law who in the whole world is known as the venerable Vardhaman. taught by Vardhaman forbids clothes, but that of the great sage And, there was a famous disciple of this Light of the World, of the World. Parshva allows an under and upper garment. Both laws pursuing the venerable Gautam by name, who had completely mastered the same end, what has caused this difference? Have you no the sciences and right conduct. He knew the twelve Angas, misgiving nons misgivings about this twofold Law, O Wise man?" To these was enlightened, and was surrounded by a crowd of disciples; lisciples: words of Kesi, Gautam made the following reply: "Deciding wandering from village to village, he too arrived in Sravasti. In the matter by their superior knowledge, the Thirthankars) the district of that rown, there was a park Koshthaka, he took have fixed what is necessary to carry out the Law. The various up his abode in a pure place to live and sleep in. outward marks (of religious men) have been introduced in order that people might recognize them as such; the reason The young Sramana Kesi and the famous Gautam both lived for the characteristic marks is their usefulness for religious life there, protecting themselves (by the Guptis) and being careful and their distinguishing character. Now, the opinion (of the The pupils of both, who controlled themselves, who practiced "Thirthankars) is that knowledge, faith and right conduct are the austerities, who possessed virtues and who protected their Self, true causes of final liberation, and not the outward marks)". bation Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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