Jain Digest. Summer 2007
F1206: Alliance invited by Gujarati parents in NYC for F1222: Gujarati parents invite responses w/ bio-data photo beautiful attractive vegetarian US citizen daughter, July 79, for their charming pretty accomplished vegetarian never 5'0", 95 lb, MS / BS (Physical therapy), well employed with married daughter, March 72, 5'3", BS (Com), BS (law), Hospital, from professional well-educated cultured boys. DBM, working as administrator with reputed co. in NYC, 718/459-6212. desigirl726@hotmail.com
from vegetarian cultured educated boys. preeti@vijaygold. F1207: Gujarati parents invite proposals w/photo bio-data for com 516/437-5918. beautiful slim successful US citizen daughter, March 79,5'4", AF367: Gujarati parents invite proposals w/photo bio-data for 115 lb, DO (Doctor of Optometry) at SUNY in Manhattan, beautiful affectionate vegetarian US born daughter, Oct 77, NY. 941/921-3888. RPCPS@YAHOO.COM
5'4", Pharm D, employed as Pharmacist, from well educated F1208: Cousin invite alliance w/photo bio-data for pretty
US boys. 312/802-0067. benu444@yahoo.com vegetarian Gujarati girl, Sept 75,5'2", MS (Comp Sc), software AF407: Gujarati parents invite alliance for beautiful fair professional (HiB), from suitable match. 4137664-7488. slim accomplished vegetarian daughter, July 77, 5'5", MS pkshah1234@yahoo.com
(management), employed with large MNC, from cultured F1209: Alliance invited for Jain talented beautiful female educated professional boys. vegetarian divorcee, 1 son, US citizen, Oct 69, 5'3". 127 lb. Email: shubham48@hotmail.com Medical writer, from educated well-settled vegetarian boys with
AF483: Gujarati parents invite responses for cultured family values. Email: texjain@gmail.com
professional vegetarian US citizen daughter, Nov 79, 4'11", F1210: Jain family invite proposals w/photo bio-data from 105 lb, PharmD, employed as Pharmacist, from cultured cultured professional boys for beautiful charming vegetarianwell-educated boys. 8471401 - 6168. daughter, Oct 81, 5'2", 110 lb, BE (comp sc), well employed meghnashah13@hotmail.com in UK and willing to settle in USA. 262/781-4650. AF520: Correspondence invited from well-educated vegetarian mukesh.Jain@sbcglobal.net / rashmi_jain 291081@yahoo. Gujarati boys for beautiful talented niece, March 85, B.Com, com /ak_jain23@rediffmail.com
pursuing diploma in HRM, willing to settle in USA. 215/668F1211: Gujarati parents invite proposals for pretty accomplished
4886/265-2338675 (India). Kinjal 1985@rediffmail.com
4800 / 200-255007 vegetarian US citizen daughter, Sept 74, 5'1", MPH, DO, AF522: Gujarati parents invite proposals for attractive doing residency, from cultured professional boys. 562/402- charming cultured US citizen daughter, Jan 76, 5'0", 106 1535. geniemo67@yahoo.com
lb, BS (Nursing), well employed as RN, from cultured well F1215: Gujarati parents invite proposals w/photo bio-data educated boys. Email: dshah4567@sbcglobal.net from well-educated vegetarian professionals for their beautiful AF523: Gujarati parents invite proposals for very beautiful charming slim Canadian citizen daughter, Feb 84,5'4", CPA, charming vegetarian US citizen daughter, May 81, 5'2", 105 well positioned with a financial institution. 416/497-6478.
Ib, BS (EE), well employed, from well educated professionally vkg9@hotmail.com
settled vegetarian Jain boys. Shaha919@yahoo.com F1217: Gujarati parents in Canada invite responses w/photo AF524: Gujarati parents invite proposals for beautiful slim bio-data for beautiful daughter, July 83, 5'5", BS (molecular vegetarian US born daughter, Aug 81, 5'0", 105 lb, BA, biology, comp sc), working as researcher bio-informaticianwell employed, from well educated vegetarian US born in Canada, from well educated non-smoker professional professionals. 408/234-8779. rsseva@yahoo.com vegetarian boys. 604/543-0722. smiritis59@hotmail.com
AF525: Gujarati parents invite proposals from US raised F1218: Gujarati parents invite proposals for pretty virtuous
professional boys for attractive well-cultured MD, Physician vegetarian US citizen daughter, Oct 80, 5'3", 115, BS (healthU S born daughter, Nov 74, 5'5", 110 lb, in private practice. admn), well employed in DC Gov health dept, from cultured 3131575-1819. nan 1025@yahoo.com educated professionals. 301/540-8988.
AF527: Gujarati parents invite alliance w/photo bio-data Urvi1027@hotmail.com
for beautiful fair vegetarian cultured US born daughter, F1220: Gujarati parents invite responses from well-educated Dec 80, 5'6", MD, doing 3rd Yr Radiology residency, from US citizen vegetarian boys, for beautiful outgoing US born
educated preferably MD, cultured US raised handsome boys. daughter, May 81,5'3", 110 lb, BS (MIS), working as software Rajnimehta1234@yahoo.com professional for Fortune 100 co., 520/730-7892.
AF528: Gujarati parents invite proposals for pretty charming Ssll@mail.com
US born daughter, June 81,5'5", MS (Fashion), well employed with reputed co., from professional cultured well educated boys. 248/330-5933. anuja_tolia@liz.com
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