Federation of Jain Associations in North America A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization. IRS Code Section 501 (c)(3) El #54-1280028
yja-exec @egroups.com . http://www.yja.org/
Jai Jinendra,
It is hard to believe that the 2003-2004 YJA year is almost over. It seems like only a few months ago we were holding elections and deciding on exciting new events. We have worked to improve upon our organization and extended our mission to the young Jain population of North America.
Young Jains of America has had quite a magnificent year in terms of planning and establishing a solid infrastructure to maintain achieving its goals. Some of our most wide reaching successes extended to helping young Jains learn more about Jainism, reaching out to the local community and reestablishing a website that makes it easy for people to read about and understand YJA and Jainism.
Additionally, YJA has been working vigorously to make Convention 2004 a reality. Our board and committees have been planning and executing all of the intricacies and nuances that will make this year's convention special. We are excited about the extraordinary programming and enjoyable evening activities, as well as our thought provoking speakers. Indeed, YJA Convention 2004 will be memorable.
Arpan Shah
281-804-7964 arpan.shah@yja.org
Chirag Shah
chirag shah@yja.org DIRECTORS
Education Nikita Shah
310-980-6907 nikita shah@yja.org
Events Hima Batavia
416-494-1302 hima batavia@yja.org Finance/Fundraising
Nisha Jain 571-239-3783 mishajain@vja.org Information Technology
Deepen Shah
973-941-5714 deepen.shah@yja.org Project Development
Dipa Talati 917-371-1476 dipa.talati@yja.org Public Relations
Puneet Shah
713-392-2833 puneet shah@yit.org
Publications Hanul Bhandari
210-842-4825 hanul.bhandari@vja.org REGIONAL COORDINATORS
Mid Arlantic
Purvi Shah 732-742-6535 purvi.shah@yja.org
Midwest Shibani Shah
847-275-7689 shibani.shah@yja.org
Northeast Vinay Shah 914-805-0315 vinay shah@yja.org
South Monique Shah
281-989-6627 monique.shah@yja.orgv
Southeast Tanisha Palvia
336-587-6567 tanisha.palvia@yja.org
West Chirag H. Shah
310-488-0106 chiruh.shah@yja.org Board of Trustees
Manoj Jain Chintan Shah Girish Shah Nirav Shah bot@yja.org
While the convention has been our top priority, it has not been all that we have focused on. We kicked off this year by teaming up with Habitat for Humanity to help build homes and improve communities for the less fortunate. Six cities from around America saw the volunteer spirit of the Jain Community; the efforts of these young people truly did make a difference. We intend to continue with this project - look for YJA H4H coming to a city near you this summer.
To help foster the teachings of Jainism, we held several regional conferences. These gatherings promoted the adaptation of Jain values in every day life. From rituals, to theory and culture, attendees were able to learn valuable lessons on each of these topics from various activities and presentations
Now we are ready to elect a new executive board of enterprising young people to continue the tradition of excellence. A group with fresh ideas and resolute motivation will carry the torch during the next year and will help strengthen the bonds with youth and adults alike. We are sad to say goodbye to an outstanding year, but we are optimistic about what the future will certainly hold.
Very truly yours,
Chirag K. Shah and Arpan Shah Co-Chairs, 2003-2004 Young Jains of America chairs @yja.org www.yja.org
Young Jains of America (YJA) is the umbrella youth organization of the Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA). The mission of YJA is to be recognized
nationally and internationally as an umbrella youth organization for establishing a network to share Jain heritage and religion through youth.
30 / JAIN DIGEST. Summer 20004
Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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