Information about forthcoming eral activities – fundraising, registration, Chandrakant Parekh, Regional Editor activities are posted on JCSC's website at convention agenda, and others. Additional
www.jaincenter.net. or contact Ramesh information is available on the YJA website
Doshi, JCSC President, at 714/995-8914 www.yja.org/convention. LOS ANGELES, CA or rcdoshi@yahoo.com.
Information about forthcoming activi
ties are posted on JCNC's website at Jain Center of Southern California
www.jcnc.org, or contact info@jcnc.org. SAN FRANCISCO, CA (JCSC) has a new Executive Committee which includes Ramesh Shah, President; Ashok Savla, Vice-President; Navin Gangar, Jain Center of Northern California SACRAMENTO, CA Secretary; Pradeep Shah, Treasurer, Jasvant (CNC) has elected a new leadership team Modi, Public Relations; and Amrit for 2004. Outgoing executive members and
Jain Center of Greater Sacramento has Bhandari, Narendra Jain, Ramesh Kothari, volunteers who had rendered dedicated
a new Executive Committee which includes Anil Shah, Dinesh Shah, Hemendra Shah, service and contributed significantly in
Rajiv Jain, President; Sunil Jain, Secretary; Jayesh Shah, Nirav Shah, Prafulla Shah, and organizing religious, educational and social
Raman Jain, Treasurer; and Manoj Desai, Sachin Shah as Members. activities were recognized at the Volunteer
Director. JCGS organizes a monthly The construction of the new Jain Recognition Program on Nov 15. The
Swadhyay and a number of other activities Bhavan, which began in October 2002, is event included a dinner, cultural
and lectures by visiting dignitaries. For progressing at a rapid pace. All major super entertainment, and an invitation for garba
additional information, please contact Rajiv structures - basement parking area, first and dandiya participation.
Jain, JCGS President, at 916/682-9470 or and second floors, the roof, and the stairs - JCNC participated in an annual 24
e-mail: arham 108@aol.com. have been erected, and provide an impres- hour Global Akhanda Bhajan for world sive visualization of the scope and spacious peace organized by the Sai Center of size of the new facility being built in Phase Northern California on November 8-9.
SAN DIEGO, CA This year's theme was Unity in Diversity. JCYC winter camp was held December
In addition to the Jain teachings, altars and 27-30 at Pilgrim Pines, Yucaipa in San information on ten other religions were Regular activities organized by Jain
Society of San Diego (JSSD) include - a Bernardino Mountains. The theme of the made available to over 800 participants who
monthly Jainshala for children, adult classes, camp was “Know the Wrong, Do the Right: attended the event. Adhar Papsthanak”. Interactive class format Shri Ashok Sethi represented JCNC at
swadhyay by Girishbhai Shah, and a weekly provided opportunities for the students to a multi-faith World Religion Day arranged
pooja every Saturday at Shri Mandir. For
additional information, please contact demonstrate their understanding of the by Baha'i Community in Cupertino on
Trusha Shah, JSSD President, at 760/943subject matter through skits and lively January 19. This multi-faith event discussion. Fun activities included roasting showcased Jainism and several other
1241 or e-mail: shahr64@hotmail.com. corn at a campfire, learning bhangara, and religions including Buddhism, Baha'i, participating in group activities including Islam, Hinduism, and others.
SEATTLE, WA a talent show.
A survey to gauge an assessment from For the past several years, JCSC has the parents has provided a highly positive arranged annual health fairs to provide free response to the Shala activities and has Jain Society of Seattle (JSS) has installed medical checkups to members and non- identified constructive suggestions for members. The next one is schedule for April improvements.
Mahavirswamiji, in the Hindu Temple at 11. A Jain Medical Clinic to provide Nearly 1000 young Jains are expected
Bothwell. Members meet regularly on medical assistance on a regular basis to attend the 6th Biennial YJA Convention
second Sunday of the month. Information throughout the year is in formation scheduled for July 1-4 in Santa Clara. The
is available on http://groups.yahoo.com/ Additional information will be made convention theme is "To See, To Know, To
group/jainsocietyseattle/. or contact Raju available at www.jainclinic.org website. Realize". The YJA team is busy with sev
Shah, at 206/367-7100 or e-mail: raju@connectexpress.com.
JAIN DIGEST. Spring 2004/27
Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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