Most of us has heard of Amrender Muniji. He has visited On behalf of the JAINA Calendar & Mini-Library Commitmany of our Jain Centers in the past. Amrender Muniji is a dis- tee and JAINA, I sincerely thank all of you for your generous conciple of late Shree Aacharya Sushil Kumarji Maharaj.
tributions towards the JAINA 2002 Calendar and distribution of In late June, Amrender Muniji had stroke and was admitted the JAINA Mini-Library Books. People like you, so thoughtful at Hackettstown Community Hospital, close to Siddhachalm un- and committed, have helped us successfully carry out and sustain der the care of Dr. Sanjay Jain. He recovered but his left half of such projects. the body was paralyzed. He was admitted to acute rehab center Since the last 3 years, we have been able to distribute 10,000 close to Siddhachalm.
copies of the JAINA Calendar free of cost to all Jain families in Amrender Muniji was released from Rehab center on August North America, and to some around the globe. For the year 2002, geh. He went to Siddhachalm and stayed there for a short time. He because of excessive demand, we printed an additional 1,000 calis able to take bath on his own and can walk with a walker with endars, altogether totaling 11,000. We have also been able to disspecial wheels. To expedite his recovery, he is currently staying tribute free of cost 1,200 sets of the JAINA Mini-Library consistwith Dr. Subhash Jain's home.
ing of the following three books: Dr. Sanjay Jain has been his attending physician at 1. JAINISM - A Pictorial Guide to the Religion of Non-Violence Hackettstown Community Hospital. He has been instrumental
by Mr. Kurt Titze in getting many of his major bills written off. But even after all
2. JAINA - Religion and Philosophy by Dr. Nagin Shah these write offs, his current bills up to August 7h is estimated at about $25,000. He still needs more rehab to be on his own. We
3. ASPECTS OF JAINA RELIGION by Dr. Vilas Sanghve are estimating maximum expenses of 15,000 for future treatments. Mr. Naresh lain is currently responsible for all his medical bills. We recently received an additional 1,000 sets of IAINA MiniWe must help him with muniji's medical bills.
Library, which will soon be distributed to Jain families who have TAINA Teerthodhar committee has so far received $14,000. responded to the JAINA 2002 calendar. We have received over which includes $5,000 from JAINA Charitable trust. We still need 750 responses to the JAINA 2002 Calendar. As always, we try to $26,000 to cover all past and future medical expenses. If you have implement as many suggestions and recommendations as possible, not sent in your support, please do so at your earliest.
to improve each future calendar. The majority of the responses In the past Nirmal Dosi of Scholar Visitation committee had
favored keeping the present size of the calendar, and the desk calsent in guidelines to all Jain Centers who are sponsoring Scholars
endar. As per your responses the Theme for the JAINA 2003 Calfrom India. He had requested that all Scholars should get medical
endar will be Jaina Temple Architecture pre-12h Century, temples insurance from India. Sponsoring entities must emphasize to our
geographically dispersed throughout India. Each month will focus scholars to get them insured from India.
on twelve architecturally important Jain Temples, Temple Cities,
Cave Temples, Mountain Carvings, Mana-stambhas and Towers. JAINA is currently examining group medical insurance available for scholars. This would help us get quality coverage at a rea
As always we welcome your comments and suggestions, please sonable cost. But in the meantime, we should get individual cov
email us at jainacalendar@yahoo.com. We would also like to thank erage for those who are already here in this country.
Mr. Kamlesh Amin, at JAINA HQ for handling the logistics of
mailing the JAINA Calendars and Mini-Library. He can be reached Teerthodhar committee and Scholar visitation committee will
at jainahq@aol.com. jointly provide new guidelines to all Jain Centers. In the meantime, please make a donation check of $2,000 or more pay
I am sure you will continue supporting our efforts to preserve able to JAINA Teerthodhar committee to cover the short fall of
our rich Jaina heritage and culture for our young generation for a $26,000.Mail your check to:
long time to come.
Kirit C. Dafrary Teerthodhar Committee Chairman 3322 Woodlake Drive, Waco, TX 76710 Phone: 254-756-3200 (Office)
254-776-4209 (Residence) E-mail: netrat@att.net
Rajeev Pandya Chairman JAINA Calendar & Mini-Library Committee
14 / JAIN DIGEST. FALL 2002 Jain Education international 201002
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