JAINA has accepted the invitation of the Jain Society of Vinay K. Vakani: (Documentation) Vinaybhai is a Director Metropolitan Chicago to hold the 2001 Convention in Chicago. of JAINA from the Jain Center of N.J., Essex Falls and is Secretary JAINA and the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago have Jointly of the Executive Committee of JAINA. He is also JAINA adviformed 2001 JAINA Convention Board (With seven representa
sor to YJA and YJP and involved in various JAINA Committees. tives from each and the JAINA First Vice President Bipin Parikh He is also actively involved in Jain Study Circular publication. acting as the Chairman), which was approved by the JAINA Executive Committee at their meeting on March 18,2000 in Chi
Virendra K. Shah: (Publication and Souvenir) Virendrabhai cago. The newly inaugurated JAINA Convention Board (JCB) was the President of Jain Society of Southern California and was also held its kickoff meeting in the evening of March 18, 2000 in very active in their temple expansion project. Chicago. Bellow is a brief description of the members of the board Gyan Chand Jain: (Oversight) Gyanchanbhai was President and their responsibilities.
of the Jain Society of Toronto. He has been associated with JAINA Bipin D. Parikh: (Chairman & Convenor) Bipinbhai is the for a long time. He is running a Charitable trust of his own. first Vice President of JAINA and was JAINA's director at large
Pravin M. Shah: (Hospitality) Pravinbhai has actively parfor four years. He was a trustee of Jain Society of Metropolitanticipated in facility management at all events of Jain Society of Chicago and originator of JCMC heritage Fund.
Metropolitan Chicago. He was responsible for excellent facility Kishor C. Shah: (Co-Convener) He is the Chairman of the operation during JAINA convention of 1995 at Chicago. Board of Trustee at Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago and
Megha A. Doshi: (Cultural Programs) Meghaben is a very JSMC Heritage Fund. He was Co-convener of 1995 JAINA con
talented person to organize cultural programs. Meghaben was a vention in Chicago
major contributor in organizing Cultural program of 1995 JAINA Prabodh R. Vaidya: (Co-Convenor) He is the President of convention. Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago. Prabodhbhai is a director
Mukesh R. Doshi: (Youth activities) Mukeshbhai is the Youth of JAINA. As President during last two years he has streamlined
secretary to the Executive Committee of Jain Society of Metro temple operations. As Chairman of long term Planning Commit
politan Chicago. He has achieved phenomenal success in educatee, he presented and proposed JAINA's future path.
tion registrants from about 50 to 300 in last 3 years. He is heavily Keerti N.Shah: (Finance) He is heading the committee for involved in JAINA's efforts in standardizing pathshala curriculum. Jain Digest Life Membership. Keertibhai is also a Trustee at the
Jagat J. Shah: (Exhibition, Souvenir and Essay Competition) Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago. He is actively involved in
Jagatbhai is the Secretary to the Executive Committee of Jain SoJSMC Heritage fund Student Scholarship criteria selection. He
ciety of Metropolitan Chicago. Jagatbhai has been involved in many participates in financial management of Jain Society.
more activities at JCMC. Samprati Shah: (Programming) He was Jain Society of Met
Arvind M. Shah: (Food) Arvindbhai is the Food Secretary at ropolitan Chicago's director to JAINA. Sampratibhai was Program
Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago. He has also led the cultural Committee Chairperson for the JAINA convention in 1995 at
programs' activities in the past. Chicago. He was President of the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago, and now he is a Trustee of the same.
This is a seasoned team of members with formidable creden
tials. This is a balanced partnership between the members of Jain Lata Champsce: (Registration) Lataben is the President of
Society of Metropolitan Chicago and JAINA volunteers. All of Toronto Jain Society. She is the Editor in Chief of Jain Digest.
these members have been active in their sanghs and have worked Lataben was the chairperson of the registration committee at 1997
in prior conventions. JAINA Convention in Toronto, Chairperson of MIS at 1999 Philadelphia Convention. President of Women's Association, Founder In addition to the above members, the JCB has appointed of AWIC Seniors Club, Board member of Toronto YWCA. Priya M. Shah of Chicago as a staff person to the convention board.
Many committees will be formed in the near future. If there are Dilip V. Shah: (Publicity) Dilipbhai is member of the execu
any areas in which you would like to help or reach any member of tive committee of Cherry Hill Sangh and Director of JAINA. He
the convention board, you can do so by sending an email to: was Secretary of JAINA and he is the chairman of JAINA's Pil
jainaconvention@aol.com. A web site for the convention is under grimage Committee and editor of JAINA FOCUS.
Jain Education Intemational 2010_02
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