M678: Gujarati parents invite responses for handsome, talented, US raised son, born May 73, 5'8", 145 lb, MD, 3rd year internal medicine resident, from well educated, professional girls. Call: 609/597-2498.
M735: Alliance invited from educated, cultured girls, for Gujarati, vegetarian, good looking, bright, US citizen boy, born Oct 24, 70, 5'4", 125 lb, BBA, planning to pursue MBA shortly, well employed, from educated, cultured girls. Polio on right leg, but very independent. Call: 770/939-5227.
M791: Gujarati parents invite correspondence with biodata / photo, for US born, handsome, family loving son, July 72, 5'10", 155 lb, MS, well employed as R&D Engr, from professional, vegetarian, cultured, slim females 23-27. Call: 516/827-0055.
M792: Gujarati parents invite correspondence with biodata / photo, for US born, handsome, vegetarian, vivacious son, March 73, 5'8", 160 lb, MD, doing residency, from professional, attractive, US raised/born, Jain vegetarian girls. SHAHS - PO Box 1374, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055.
M798: Alliance invited for handsome, vegetarian, brilliant Gujarati boy, born April 77, 5'7", 150 lb, MD, doing Externship since 6 months, from educated, cultured girls. Call: 732/4049321. hkhara@usa.net
M802: Gujarati parents invite proposals for handsome, talented, family loving, US born son, Feb 75, 5'5", 145 lb, MD (NeurosurgeryResident), from cultured, educated girls. Call 215/699-2317.
AM124: JD/MBA with very successful career, 6'1", 30, exceptionally handsome, fair,athletic son. Gujarati Jain parents invite correspondence. Call: 949/371-0150.
Jain Education International 2010_02
AM179: For their very handsome, very fair son, 6'1", 29, MS (EE), CEO in a large Internet Co, loving Gujarati Jain family seeks a compatible match. Call: 949/371-0150.
AM264: Correspondence / photo invited for successful, adventurous, westernized professional MBA, born June 62, 6'2", from outgoing, independentladies preferably in California. Call: 650/8547490. Ken_Parekh@excite.com
AM265: Responses invited for North Indian, handsome, vegetarian, teetotaler, non smoker, Jain boy, born Oct 66,5-10", 1471b, completing PhD (Neurolinguistics), from cultured, educated girls. He is currently in India and willing tosettle in USA.Email: prasannanshu@hotmail.com Address: 942/34, DDA Flats, Kalkaji, New
Delhi 110019.
AM253: Jain parents invite proposals for handsome, outgoing, US born son, March 74, 6'2", BS (IE), pursuing MBA, employed with multinational co., from attractive, educated girls. Call: 810/750 0999.
AM266: Alliance invited by Jain parents for handsome, fair, successful, vegetarian, US born son, June 74, 5'8", 165 lb, BS (comp eng), MS (telecom), employed with international co., from educated, cultured, vegetarian girls. Call: 972/530-7356.
AM267: Responses invited for good looking, Gujarati, vegetarian boy, born May 70, 5'7", 150 lb, MBA (NY), well employed as business analyst, from educated, cultured, open minded girls. Call 416/253-5315. Email: cup99@sprint.ca or danny26@hotmail.com
For Private & Personal Use Only
F326: Correspondence invited for pretty, virtuous, intelligent, vegetarian, caring. US citizen, Jain widow, born March 59, 5'3", BS, well employed, from vegetarian, family loving, caring professional match age 41-48. Call:714/779-2653.Email:
F569: Gujarati parents invite responses with biodata / photo for their pretty, fair, caring, well rounded, highly accomplished, vegetarian, US born daughter, June 73. 5'7", 120 lb, BS, well employed as MIS specialist, from cultured, well educated boys. Call: 610/670-9919.
F581: Gujarati parents invite responses for beautiful, talented, cultured daughter, born Dec73,5'1-110 lb,BS(Molecular Biology), biotech/software professional in silicon valley, CA, from well educated Gujarati professionals. Call: 408/272-6833.
F591: Gujarati parents invite proposals for pretty, vegetarian, family oriented, US raised daughter, with Indian values, culture, born Nov 71, 5'3", BS (pharmacy), well employed as registered pharmacist, from well educated boys. Call: 717/541-8274.
F598: Alliance invited by Gujarati parents for beautiful, fair, attractive, intelligent, US citizen daughter, born April 77, 5'6", 130 lb, AA (Fashion degree), well employed, from educated, cultured boys. Call: 949/552-0564.
F636: Jain parents invite proposals with biodata/photo from well, educated, professionals for their beautiful, US raised daughter, born Jan 73, 5'4",115 lb, MS (EE), well employed with multinational co., Call: 815/397-3740.
F640: Proposals invited by Gujarati parents from cultured,educated boys, for their, beautiful, slim, charming, intelligent, vegetarian, US born daughter, Aug 74, 5'6", 120 lb, BS, well employed. Call: 847/985-6858.