Book Title: Jain Digest 1999 11 Vol 15 No 04 Author(s): Federation of JAINA Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA View full book textPage 6
________________ HEADQUARTERS NEWS..... JAINA MEETINGS AT SIDDHACHALAM JAINA Board of Directors and Executive Committee Meetings is to define the entity that will have primary responsibility to were held on October 2, 1999 at Siddhachalam. Due to lack of organize the committee and develop its working procedures. quorum for either of these meetings, it was considered inappro- () The purpose of Convention Activity Review and Advisory priate to pass any resolution. However there was a thorough and Committee is not to exercise censorship over activities that may Committee spirited discussion on all items of the agenda, and the following is planned by the JAINA Convention Board, but to make sure that the summary of the discussion: we show sensitivity to all the traditions of Jainism and Jain 1. After the Manglacharan, the minutes of the previous meet- community. JAINA President Mahendra Pandya assured that the ing were read and discussed, and it was agreed that JAINA Head- committee would exercise utmost discretion in this matter. quarters should have copies of all documents. It was concluded that JAINA and the Host Jain Center should 2. JAINA President Mahendra Pandya presented his report adopt the Guidelines as proposed, for the upcoming 2001 and the plans for the next two years: convention. An earnest and good faith adherence to the Guidelines ► JAINA Book source-will involve in publication of books. by all involved will set an excellent example for future conventions, DJAINA Calendar- Calendar will be in English: show dates a 4. Representatives of YJA Naishadh Shah and Anita Shah and pictures of Jain Teerths; and important Jain religious days. made presentation about the recent and future activities. YJA will hold its Year 2000 Convention in next July. Also, YJA have planned DJAINA Day- Regional VPs will organize a JAINA Day at Midwest Regional Convention in Detroit, Michigan during the Jain Centers in their region to familiarize Centers with activities 1999 Thanksgiving Weekend; for Southwest Regional Convenplanned by JAINA. Dilip V. Shah will prepare the format. tion and Mid-Atlantic Regional Convention dates are not decided. DYJA and YJP- JAINA has nominated coordinators (Pravin 5. A letter from Mona Kothari, Chairperson of Young Jain K. Shah and Vinay K. Vakani) to facilitate interaction with Professionals requesting a status as a JAINA Committee was disthese entities and plan future activities. cussed and its acceptance was recommended. Next JAINA Convention- See discussion below. 6. A letter was sent on August 30, 1999, inviting Samarpan 3. JAINA Convention Guidelines were discussed in detail, Jain Sangh to present the report and financial account for 1999 going over each article of the Guidelines. Vinay Vakani prefaced TAINA Convention that was held in July in Philadelphia. In a the discussion explaining that JAINA had taken a pragmatic response dated September 30, 1999, Samarpan Jain Sangh inapproach in developing the Guidelines. The Guidelines provide formed that due to scheduling conflict they would not be attendsufficient flexibility in conducting the convention-related businessing the meeting. Also, they indicated that the account was not and activities, at the same time making JAINA and the Host Jain ready and it would be made available when it would be comCenter fully accountable to the Jain community. The Guidelines pleted. Both letters were discussed. No further communication August 1999 to JAINA Board of Directors, is received from Samarpan Jain Sangh. Past Presidents of JAINA, Presidents of Jain Centers, Trustees of 7. A Letter of Interest to hold 2001 JAINA Convention in JAINA Charitable Trust and Chairpersons of JAINA Committees Chicago was received from the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chifor their review and concurrence. The responses that have been cago. JAINA President Mahendra Pandya and the Executive Comreceived are generally positive, with some minor concerns about mittee will follow up on this matter. details of fund raising and handling of surplus (or deficit). 8. Reports were presented on activities planned by their comA few points were clarified during the discussion: mittees by the Chairpersons of Virchand R. Gandhi Committee (i) Both JAINA and Host Jain Center will work together in (Pravin C. Shah, NY), Tirthoddhar Committee (Kirit Daftari, TX), raising funds needed for the convention, to meet the goals set for Senior Citizens Committee (presented by Vinay Vakani for Kantilal each entity. At the conclusion of the Convention, the surplus, if Shah-CA), Pooja and Marriage Committee (Naresh Shah, NY), any, will be shared as specified in the Guidelines. If the Host Jain Membership Committee (Kamlesh Shah, MD), Media Watch Center would like to add to the reserve (seed money) for the next Committee (Sushil Jain, Washington, DC) and Pilgrimage ComConvention, the JAINA Convention Board and JAINA Executive mittee (Dilip V. Shah, PA) of JAINA. Plans for JAINA's particicommittee could contemplate it at that time. pation in Global Ahimsa Day Celebration (scheduled for Decem(ii) All committees that are to be formed under JAINA ber 31, 1999 to January 2, 2000) was discussed by Ramesh Shah Convention Board will consist of representatives from JAINA and (Ohio), who urged for participation by all Jain Centers in North the Host Jain Center. The responsibility specified in the guidelines America. Meeting ended with a recitation of prayer. 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