AM250: Gujarati parents invite proposals AF 121: Exceptionally beautiful, very fair,
for handsome, fair, intelligent, charming, 25, 5'7", 112 lb, MS, M501: Gujarati parents invite proposals for vegetarian son, born May 74, 5'8", 155 lb, Pursuing JD (law) with full scholarship, handsome, fair, bright, intelligent, BS.comp.sc.(4/00),well employed as talented dancer, highly Virtuous, loving, vegetarian, US born son, June 70,5'7", 135 programmer, from cultured, vegetarian, family oriented daughter. Prestigious Ib, BBA(3)(fin/ human resources / comp) educated girls. Call: 609/347-6713. Gujarati Jain Family invite photo & well positioned in an International co., from
biodata. Call: 714/730-1570. cultured, educated girls. Call: 419/8418985.
Gujarati Jain Parents invite response for AF171: Alliance invited by Gujarati parents
handsome, intelligent, vegetarian, US for very beautiful, fair, highly accomplished, M508: Correspondence invited for citizen son, born January 73, 6.0, 165 lbs. US raised daughter born Feb 72.5 handsome, slender, JD, Jain Gujarati
BS (Computer Science). Well employed doing residency, from professional boys,
with famous co at Los Angeles. From Attorney, 32, 5'10", graduate of Ivy League
preferably MD. Call: 419/868-7476. cultured, educated vegetarian girls. Law school and practicing at prestigious law
Call: (714) 572-2304 firm, from beautiful, slim, sophisticated, US
AF249: Proposals invited for pretty, fair, raised girls, at least 5'4", caste, religion no
charming, vegetarian, cultured Gujarati
FEMALE bar. Photo must. Phone: 1-800-315-9844.
Female, born Dec 61, 5'3", 120 lb, BS, well
employed in a comp. co., Innocently M527: Alliance invited from suitable, 5568: Alliance invited by Gujarati parents
divorced, from suitable, cultured, family cultured, educated match, for Gujarati, for beautiful, attractive, talented,
oriented match.Phone: 416/244-7221. Good looking, vegetarian boy, born Feb 68, Caring, vegetarian, US raised daughter, 5'6", 140 lb, MBBS, well employed. Two born Nov 70, 5'2", 110 lb, DDM,
AF251: Jain parents invite proposals for months never consumated marriage. Call:
their good looking, slim, US born Dentist, well employed, from cultured, well 713/785-5246. educated, professional Boys. Call: 718/507
daughter, March 76,5'6", BS (physiology),
Studying Chemical Engineering, from 4570. M764: Gujarati parents invite responses for
cultured well educated, professional boys. bright, intelligent, vegetarian, US citizen F763: Alliance invited for beautiful,
Call: 810/750-0999. son, born Nov 72, 5'4", 140 lb, BS (civil
attractive, brilliant, Gujarati girl, born May engg),well Employed, from cultured, 69, 5'1", 105 lb, MS (comp. sc.),
AF252: Alliance invited from Gujarati, Jain, educated girls. Call: 973/361-1538. innocently divorced, from cultured, well
vegetarian, cultured, well educated,
Professional boys, for affectionate, caring, educated match. Call: 601/368-9834. AM124: Extremely handsome, fair, 6'1",
niece, raised in Bombay, Born Sept 76,5'4", Email: amrita99@hotmail.com 29, JD (law), MBA, chief executive
Bcom, doing articleship for CA, willing to Officer in a high technology co., son. F765: Sister invites proposals from Prestigious loving, cultured, wealthy educated,
cultured." Jain. never cultured, Jain, never
378-5715. Gujarati Jain family seeks a compatible married, Gujarati boys for charming, match. Call: 714/730-1570.
F715: Gujarati parents invite proposals for talented, Bombay based sister, born Dec 66,
slim, very beautiful,charming,exciting, 5'3", 118 lb, educated in Digital electronics, AM214: Practicing Surgeon seek educated,
vegetarian US born daughter, Nov 74,54", software consultant and Yoga Therapist, professional, active, vegetarian & pretty willing to settle in USA. Call: 408/972
pursuring MBA/MS, from cultured lady around forty years, residing in USA.
professional who has diversified interests 2340.Email: sonal_sanghvi@hotmail.com Please mail biodata/returnable photo at:
and loves to laugh.Call: 732/287-2738. 11412 Rouen Drive, Potomac, MD 20854. F766: Physician parents invite responses
Brother invites an alliance from cultured, for their very beautiful, fair, vegetarian, US AM248: Alliance invited by Jain parents for
educated boys for his beautiful, slim, born Daughter, April 77, 5'9", currently handsome, fair, intelligent, vegetarian, sports
vegetarian sister, born Dec 72,5'5", BS, well doing Masters in Finance.Contact: 757/ oriented, US born son, June 74,5'11", 140 424-2899 or write: Box 61831 Virginia
employed in Bombay, and willing to settle Ib, BS (IE), pursuing MBA, employed in
in the USA. She is currently on a visit to Beach, VA 23466. family electronics business. Call: 972/473
the USA. Call 201-325-9202. 7417.
24 / JAIN DIGEST- WINTER 1999 Jain Education International 2010_02
For Private & Personal Use Only