Book Title: Jain Digest 1999 04
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 14
________________ REGIONAL NEWS (continued) were collected in 1996 to 1998. Mahavir Janma-Kalyanak and Jain Bhawan Construction Initiation Ceremony was celebrated at the Jain Bhawan Site on April 17 under the direction of H. H. Bhattarak Devendrakirtiji. Please contact Jitendra Shah at 408/729-7916 for JCNC activities, Parveen Jain at 408/559-6987 for the Jain Bhawan update, and Seema Bhimani at 510/482-1357 for BAJA activities. West Chandrakant Parekh, Regional Editor Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Mahavir Janma Kalyanak organized by The first combined program of Con- the Jain Center of Southern California Struction Initiation Ceremony of Jain (CSC) on March 28 was well attended. Dr. Bhawan and the celebration of Mahavir Raman Khosla, a Vipassana meditation Janma Kalyanak organized by the Jain Cen teacher, addressed the overflowing crowd. ter of Northern California (JCNC) on April Vipassana meditation, the type that was 17, 1999 was a great success. More than 550 reportedly practiced by Lord Buddha 2,500 people attended this historical event which years ago, is now being popularized by the was also covered by the San Jose Mercury Vipasana Centers located in various parts of News and several other local newspapers. the world. Dr. Khosla described the history Bhattarak Devendrakirtiji graced the occaof the Vipasana movement. Participants atsion which was also attended by past and a ten days course are expected to maintain present Mayors of Milpitas, the County silence and abstain from killing any living Supervisor, and Members of the Planning being, stealing, lying, sexual activity, and Commission. Mrs. Shardaben Shah from use of intoxicants. India concluded her Varshitap Pärnä at this Members of the Jain Center Youth joyous occasion. Council (ICYC) participated in a clean-up The month of May is full of spiritual day on March 21. The participants were activities. The events planned from May 21 divided into various groups and assigned to to 31 will include Shri Siddhachakra Poojan, clean-up different areas of the Jain Center Shri Bhaktamar Poojan, Shri Bhagawan facility. The event provided an opportunity Janmotsava Nrutya-Nätikä, Värtäläbhs, for students to earn service hours. A field Bhävnäs and Ärädhanäs by Shri Narendra trip to a neighborhood Gurudwara offered Nandu accompanied by a group of seven an opportunity for the JCYC members to people. Bay Area Jain Americans (BAJA) are learn about the Sikhs and their religion. The inviting all JCNC members to participate year-end exams for the Jain religion and in BhaagDaud-Race for Literacy on May language (Gujarati and Hindi) classes were 23. scheduled for May 15, and the graduation Jain Bhawan project is progressing well ceremony will be organized in June. Parents and the committees have been busy in many are requested to enroll their children for the fronts such as construction plans, fund rais1999-2000 classes by June 20. ing efforts, and negotiating contracts both The Building Committee coordinating in US and India. The team had invited the proposed expansion of the Jain Center construction bids from several of Bay Area's had several discussions on planning require highly reputable firms and have narrowed ments with the Planning Department of the down the selection list to three contractors. City of Buena Park. In the meantime, the Contract with Indian supplier for all of the soil test of the adjoining lot has been com- marble Pratimas, pillars and other artifact pleted. Preliminary results appear to be materials for the temple has been placed promising as they indicate that the under Fund Raising team efforts led by Parveen ground contamination from the neighbor Jain, Prem Jain, Kundi Kapadia and Girish ing gas station is not widespread. As per city Shah have been very successful. requirements a traffic consultant firm has The Jain Bhawan Committee accom- been hired to study and prepare a traffic plished a great deal during 1998.Donations impact report. Please contact Kantibhai Shah of $2.85 million have been pledged through at 949/831-8687 for further information 2001 of which approximately $2.2 million about the JCSC activities. 12/JAIN DIGEST SUMMER 1999 For Private & Personal Use Only Sacramento, CA Following the elections, the new committee members of the Jain Center of Greater Sacramento (CGS) include Manoj Desai as President, Ashok Jain as Secretary, and Raman Jain as Treasurer. On May 16, the Swadhyay classes will be hosted at the home of Manoj Desai and on June 13 at the home of Vinod and Vijay Jain. For information about the activities and events organized by JCGS, please contact Manoj Desai at 916/ 791-4111, Ashok Jain at 916/984-7087, or Raman Jain at 916/363-5497. San Diego, CA Approximately 150 people participated in the Mahavir Jayanti celebrations organized by the Jain Society of San Diego on April 3, 1999. The program included a lecture by Dr. Christopher Chapple, stavans by Pareshbhai, stories by Jainshala kids, and a cultural program presented by about 20 Jainshala children. The event concluded with a swamivatsalya. Based on the Pathshala curriculum developed by JAINA, a class for the adults is now held on every second Friday of the month from 8 pm to 10 pm at the Shri Mandir. The classes are led by Dr. Kokila Doshi. Future plans include a camp, Sidhachakra Puja, and Paryushan celebrations with Samaniji. Jainshala and weekly navangi puja are organized regularly at the Shri Mandir. For further information, please contact Dr. Kokila Doshi at 619/260-4843.


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