Book Title: Jain Digest 1999 04
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 13
________________ Southwest Jadavji Kenia, Regional Editor North Texas (Dallas Area) Jain Society of North Texas celebrated Mahavir Jayanti on March 28, 1999 start ing with Mahavir Jin Pooja followed by children's presentations. Young children sang Jain songs including Namokar Man- tra. The second group projected color slides depicting Bhagwan Mahavir's life from his childhood to the last Samosaran with highly informative narration. The next group of Youth presented their learning of 14 Gunasthana with special emphasis on how Bhagwan Mahavir went through all the stages finally passing through number 14 (Ayogi Kevali) and reaching Moksha. Two weekly Swadhyay sessions along with regular weekly programs are continuing. We are also looking forward to the planned scholar visits starting with Shri Niraj Jain in June. Several JSNT members are planning to participate in the 10th Biennial JAINA Convention. JSNT contact is our president Sudhir Mehta at 972/612-1144, and under conducted by Varshaben Shah. event with all sorts of games for adults and Thanks to all the teachers. The highlight of children. The Jain Center of Greater Phoethe camp was the presentation bynix paid for all expenses. Among the Jain Mukeshbhai Desai on "astronomy" followed scholars Subhashbai Sheth will be visiting by viewing of stars and planets. The viewing phoenix from May 14 to 19 and Dr. H. lab was organized and sponsored by Bharill from June 22 to 26.JCGP contact is Mukeshbhai. The center thanks Harshad Desai at 6027582-8437 or Mukeshbhai for that. Participants enjoyed and liked Jain Sessions, debates, team building projects, talent night, great food, games Tulsa, OK etc. Overall, it was another joyful camp. Tulsa Jain Sangh held the traditional The center would like to acknowledge hard "Mahavir Jayanti" puja on April 3,1999. work and planning put together by event Almost all members of our Sangh including coordinator, Piyushbhai Shah, food coordi- children actively and enthusiastically parnator Kusumben Savla, activity coordina- ticipated in the puja. The idols of Mahavir tor Ashmee Kapadia and communication Swami and Parshwanath Swami were coated coordinator Sulakshna Badjate. With help with silver foil and decorated with flowers. from many participants this event a grand Members, performed puja for almost two success. Keep up the spirit. Thank you all. hours. Later we had the Shanti kalash and For those yummy oranges, we are thankful deevo followed by aarti. After the puja, to Daneshvariben Sheth. there was a delicious potluck lunch at The Jain Center of Greater Phoenix Gaurang Shah's house. TJS has been fortucelebrated Mahavir Jayanti on April 4th, nate to schedule two scholars to visit Tulsa 1999. The function was well attended. The and share their religious knowledge and center thanks event coordinators, Vibhuti beliefs: Sunandaben Vohra from July 12-18 Gosalia and Usha Shah. The center sin- and Tarlaben Doshi from November 11cerely appreciates all the sponsors and ev- 16, 1999. We are looking forward to learneryone for their participation. The high- ing the principles of Jainism and life in light of the program was the drama by our general from these two great scholarly layoung kids. They did an excellent job. Hats dies. TJS has made significant progress tooff to all of them. Many people devoted wards its derasar planning. The architectheir time and efforts for the event. The tural design has been finalized and detailed center would like to especially recognize: bids have been obtained from different buildprogram coordinator-Varsha Shah; back- ers for construction. We certainly had some stage props and stage decorations-Vaishali hurdles, but fortunately we are working our Shah and Rick Straka; costumes-Ushma way through it with Mahavir Swami's krupa. Bavishi; backstage arrangements-Dipti As soon as we resolve these issues, we will do Shah, Vijay Sheth and Piyush Mehta; drama the "bhoomi puja" later this year and invite directors-Piyush and Varsha Shah; Audio all the readers to come and share the joy of & Video-Piyush Shah; Script writers-Amit this event with us. We urge all the readers of Gosalia and Kirit Gosalia. Great Job!! this article that they lend their generous A Picnic, open to all interested in Jain support towards the derasar fund. Tulsa ism, was held on May 2, 1999 at McCormick Jain Sangh contact is president Kanti Shah Railroad Park, Scottsdale. It was a fun filled at 918/369-3163, Phoenix, AZ The Jain Center of Greater Phoenix has set up an email jain_phoenix@hotmail. com. The Jain Center is also in the process of developing a web site. Details will be communicated soon. Our annual Jain camp held on Feb. 13, 14 and 15, 1999 at Camp Tontozona in Payson, was a success as per the feedback collected at the end of the camp. It was attended by 70 people. The weather cooperated with us with three beautiful days. Several general sessions on Jainism were conducted. Reena Gosalia, Ashmee Kapadia, Kiritbhai Gosalia, Mahandrabhai Shah and Harshadbhai Desai conducted informative and interesting sessions. We had separate sessions for seniors conducted by Vibhutiben Gosalia, and for kids 10 IAIN DIGEST SUMMER 1999/11 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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