"There is nothing more powerful than an idea. No weapon can destroy it; no power can conquerit,
except the power of another idea"
| Call For Papers
YJA has created several email
addresses to facilitate easier communication. They are listed
below: yja-excom-list@pantheon.yale.edu This will go to the Executive Board of YJA
yja-ad-list@pantheon.yale.edu Will go to YJA's Advisory Board
yja-cc-list@pantheon.yale.edu Will go to the Co-Chairs of YJA
Young Jains of America is looking for articles for it next Young Minds. It is our goal to incorporate articles that are more pertinent to the implication of Jainism in our lives. We would also like to incorporate Jain views on controversial topics. If you would like to contribute an article please contact Gaurav Kapadia: Gauravk@aol.com, or Mamta Jain: Mamtaj@aol.com
yja-gc-list@pantheon.yale.edu Will go to the general coordinators
yja-ma-list@pantheon.yale.edu yja-ne-list@pantheon.yale.edu yja-se-list@pantheon.yale.edu yja-mw-list@pantheon.yale.edu yja-we-list@pantheon.yale.edu yja-so-list @pantheon.yale.edu
This will go to the Regional Coordinators and Local Representatives of the specified regions
Young Jains of America
Membership Form
The mission of YJA is to be recognized nationally and internationally as an umbrella Jain youth organization
for establishing a network to share Jain heritage and religion through youth. If you would like to become a member of YJA, please fill out the following form and send it to:
Shilpa Shah at 2708 Tree Mountain Pkwy. Stone Mountain, GA 30083, USA.
Last Name:
First Name:
Permanent Address:
City: -
State/Province: _
Zip/Postal Code:
Date of Birth:
Local Jain Center:
Check One:
Educational/Professional Information:
Undergradutate College Post-Graduate College
School Name:
Class Of (mm/yy): –
Area of Study:
Optional: If you wish to make a donation, please include check payable to YJA: $10 $20 other $
Please check if applicable: I do not want any of this information published by YJA in any manner.
24 Jaleducation International