"There is nothing more powerful than an idea. No weapon can destroy it, no power can conquerit,
except the power of another idea"
Jain Group of Seattle
The Jain youth group of Seattle had each family bring one wrapped gift to be donated to an orphanage and canned food to be donated to a shelter for Christmas.
Jain Center of Cincinnati-Dayton
Last Christmas the youth put together a party for the youth with a DJ. and food and drinks. In February they conducted a pooja in english. In March they are planning to have a formal Dinner that they will cook as a fund-raiser for future activities.
Jain Center of St. Louis, MI
The Jain Center of St. Louis has recently started an official pathshala class that has been going well. For Nirvana Day they put together a skit about the Jain Karma Theory.
Jain Study Group of Charlotte
The Jains of Charlotte have been having their monthly meetings, including a Children's program, which is dedicated to younger children. In February, they held a gathering and discussed Jainism with Pravin Shah from Raleigh, NC.
Jain Society of Greater Detroit
JOY (Jain Organization of Youth) now has a total of 75 active youth members. They had a General Body Meeting where they went bowling and then discussed tentative events for the upcoming months.
Jain Society of Fort Meyers
Smeet Mehta has started Pathshala classes in neighboring cities for children from the ages of 4-12. Traveling from West Palm Beach to Orlando, Smeet teaches these young people basic mantras and Jain principals and stories.
Jain Center of Minnesota
The Jain Center of Minnesota celebrated Ahimsa Day on September. 29, 1996. Amit Shah and Moan Shah spoke to an audience of over two hundred people about how we can practice nonviolence in our lives.
Jain Society of Greater Atlanta
The Atlanta Jain youth participated in the annual United Indian Students Association Diwali Program. Pathshala classes, taught by Virbala Jain, are going strong.
Jain Center of Chicago
The Jain Center of Chicago has begun plans for a Fun/Health Fair in May.
Jain Center of Southern California
Jain Association of Young Adults (JAYA) just held a party to raise funds for their youth group. Over 100 people were in attendance at the dinner and dance event. In addition, young Jains are coordinating a program for Mahavir Jayanti.
Jain Center of Northern California
The next big program will be Mahavir Jayanti, where young people will be presenting skits and dancing to bhajans. In addition, every week meditation classes are held for the youth.
YJA has printed keychains depicting the Jain Om. These Keychains are a great way to show your support for YJA. If you would like to Purchase them, or sell them in your area, please contact your Regional Coordinator.
Jain Youth Group of Las Vegas
During Christmas time, the Jain community organized a food and clothing drive. The entire community actively participated in raising large amounts of clothes and food, which was donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America.
March 1997 Jain Education International
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