programs, and on-line Internet information. The 8th Biennial
JAINA Directors elected a new committee to lead JAINA for
the next two years, including Manibhai Mehta, President and JAINA Convention
Dhiraj Shah, 1st Vice-President. To plan the future direction of Over 10,000 people from the United States, Canada, India, JAINA, directors attended training sessions - Leadership 2000 and and Europe attended the two consecutive occasions of the Pratishtha Vision 2000. Mahotsav of the 24 Tirthankars held from June 28 to July 2, 1995, The highlights of the convention were - over 2,500 Jain young and the 8th Biennial JAINA Convention held from July 1 to July people participated with representatives of the Young Jains of 4, 1995 in Chicago. These
America, described their organizational structure, summarized two historic events were
their past activities and hosted by the Jain Society
provided an insight of of Metropolitan Chicago
their future plans which who organized registra
include a Second JAINA tion, transportation, ac
Youth Convention commodations, security
planned for 1996. A and meals for such a large
leadership seminar atgathering of Jains. Both
tracted many particievents were held at the
pants who might beJain Center in Bartlett
come potential, future which was transformed
leaders of the organizainto a Jain Nagarwith two large and seven smaller
The young adults tents to accommodate a
get-together was facilivariety of seminars, work
tated by Hasmukh Shah shops, exhibitions and cul
of Marriage Information tural programs. The occa
Service and F. J. Dalal of sion was graced by the Menaka Gandhi at the Temple in Chicago
Marriage and Family presence of numerous sadhus, sadhvijis, spiritual leaders, eminent
Counseling Service. This scholars, political figures and other dignitaries.
event was filled to capacity with almost 200 young adults and 200 The Pratishtha Mahotsav program included poojas and a 108 parents participating in the introduction session. A list of particiAbhishek led by Babubhai Kadiwala. The rathyatra, procession of pants was prepared and made available to facilitate subsequent 25 floats each depicting a
meetings which were different theme, was led
open to the young by Mahavir Band and
adults only. graced by local dignitaries
The workshop on including Mayor and
women's issues adTrustees of Bartlett. The
dressed problems faced pratishtha float of the 24
by Indian mothers Tirthankars was accompa
working outside the nied by a shower of pushpa
home, what mothers from a viman, helicopter.
could do after children The theme of the con
leave for college, chalvention was Peace Through
lenges facing mothers of Nonviolence. The conven
teenagers, empowertion opened with a eulogy
ment of women and offered by Gurudev Shree
other topics. InformaChitrabhanuji to Acharya
tion was presented by a Sushilkumarji. The Mayor
panelist of specialists, of Bartlett welcomed ev
Participants at the Convention
video presentations, eryone. The keynote ad
skits which encouraged dress was delivered by Maneka Gandhi, daughter-in-law of Mrs. participants to join the discussion and share their problems and Indira Gandhi, late Prime Minister of India. She prodded everyone experiences and offer possible solutions. to become an activist for nonviolence against animals and nature. The newly formed committee of senior citizens organized a She reminded everyone to live up to the true meaning of Ahimsa. workshop to discuss the medical aspects of aging, Social Security
The Exhibit Hall was a very popular place to visit, full of and other government programs, spousal loss and other crisis and booths that were sponsored by various Jain Centers and offered organizational strategies for starting Senior Citizen Centers. books, magazines, audio-video cassettes, CDs, posters, computer The interfaith session moderated by Gurudev Chitrabhanuji JAIN DIGEST
Sept./Dec. 1995
Jain Education Intemational
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