Jain Digest Registration Form, 1993 Parliament of The World's Religions. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
August 28 - September 4, 1992 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - NAME (Underline family name) _
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Note: All interested people are encouraged to register as early as possible. Send the registration form along with appropriate amount of check payable to JAINA at the above address. Upon receipt of your registration and check, you will receive a confirmation.
• Full Registration Fee = US $ 200 before June 1, 1993; US $350 after June 1, 1993
Family Registration = US $ 350 before June 1, 1993; US $500 after June 1, 1993 • Three-day Registration = US $ 200 (has certain restrictions)
One-day Registration =US $75 • A limited number of half-price registrations will be available to persons without income.
Gltook Reviews
To Light One Candle: A Book of Universal Prayers by C. Rosenfield, P. Chitrabhanu Review by Manubhai Bhatt, Columbus, Ohio
761-7682 or Jain Meditation International Center at (212) 362-6483. An Introduction to Jainism by Bharat S. Shah, M.D.
price: $15 Publisher: Setubandh Publications, 1 Lawson Lane, Great Neck, NY 11023
(Telegraph review) A recently published book containing universal prayers and mantras from different religions, including Jainism. This is an excellent example of what all great prophets have said, namely following the path of righteousness, forgiving ourselves and others, realizing the Self, and offering blessings and peace to the world.
These are universal prayers, stanzas and mantras: the words which have been revered for thousandsof years as sacred because they were uttered by saintly individuals
in the fullness of self-realization or God-consciousness. Universal in spirit, these prayers remind us that "EKAM SAT VIPRA BAHUDHA VADANTI" (Rig Veda) or Truth is one, expressed in many different ways.
The sounds of a mantra have the power to harmonize and healthe body and mind. In the audio cassette accompanying the book, Acharya Roop Verma's beautiful singing of mantras teaches us accurate pronunciation of each mantra. This feature and the very simple language of the book make this book and cassette unit extremely useful not only for adults but also for transmitting this great heritage to our children.
This is a good collection for your personal library. For those who wish to order now, or for more information, they may contact the author, Clare Rosenfield, 4 Grasshill Road, Hartsdale, NY 10530, Tel: (914)
(Telegraph review) A simple introduction to Jainism (in English), especially for the new generation of Jains, written in a clear and friendly style, full of explanations, and a gradualstepwise development of the functional principles of this great religion...." From the publisher's ordering information.
(Editor's note: I, personally, believe that this book should be illuminating for most of us who want to learn about Jainism. It is an excellent textbook for a pathshala.)
Jain Education Interational 2010_02
For Private & Personal Use Only