Book Title: Jain Center Los Angeles CA 2003 05 Expansion Charity Gala Author(s): Jain Center So CA Los Angeles Publisher: USA Jain Center Southern California View full book textPage 3
________________ O 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222eeeeeeeeeee Welcome message from JCSC President Nitinbhai Shah മില്ലലലലലല ലലലല ല Jain Center of Southern California's Phenomenal Growth Jai Jinendra! The flow of river nurtures life and does it matter where does the water come from? Which stream, snow, or glacier! Similarly, Kindness, Ahimsa, Politeness, Non-Violence, and humbleness have their roots with dharma or religion! Does it matter which one? Buddha, or Christian, or Hindu, or Jain, or Muslim, or Jewish, Not really! "Let the warmth and brightness of the sun melt our selfishness; So that we can share the Joys and feel the Sorrows of our Neighbors.' - A Prayer for the World by Rabbi Kushner I welcome you all with genuine excitement today for the Jain Center Expansion Charity Gala. The present Jain Bhavan was built in 1988 and was soon outgrown by the amount of activities and the tremendous growth in the membership. The community has grown by leaps and bounds in last fifteen years. Just imagine gathering of more than 500 people every other Sunday from September through June at Jain Center for children's classes and adult Swadhyaya! Pooja almost every weekend day if not at the center than at somebody's home! Swadhyaya four days a week in the evening. Dignitaries from India for two to three months in a year, eighteen days of celebration of Paryusan and Das Laxna, etc. etc...the list just goes on! aanpanora2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jain Center has made significant contribution in many humanitarian and inter-faith activities as well. We organize medical camp and administer free flu vaccines every year. Everybody is welcome to take advantage of it. We contribute towards an annual medical camp in Bidada, India and have made significant contributions to help earthquake victims in Gujarat! We have participated in a variety of interfaith activities in Southern California in last few years. ലലല Jain Center has embarked on expanding the facility to almost four times the current size. When complete the main hall should be able to accommodate more than 1000 people. The facility will also host a unique wooden temple. The facility when complete will have a traditional religious look! Finally, I thank you all for attending this entertainment evening. I thank you all for being a part of our dream. I ask for forgiveness (Michhami Dukkadam) and your understanding of any shortcomings on behalf of the organizers and the executive committee of the Jain Center of Southern California. Nitin Shah, M.D. JCSC - President ലലലലലല ലലലല ലലലല ലലലല ലലലല ലലലല Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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