Book Title: JAINA Convention 2001 07 Chicago IL
Author(s): Jain Society of Metropolitian Chicago
Publisher: USA Jain Center Chicago IL
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frustration if one does not have the religious background. People hardly understand the meaning of Religion. Religion means religiation to Soul, the Self. Under no background of religion one mistakes the body only as self which is true partly because this body becomes a corpse when the Soul is gone. This Soul in the body is Me, my I. Our survival is actually on four Dimensions, Physical, Mental, Temporal and Spiritual. Paying attention to any one alone will imbalance the survival. The Jain Karma Theory helps here, if one knows it. No one else but our Karmas deprive us. It is correct to believe 'Ke Serra Serra ,What ever will be will be, the future is not us to see.' But one must try and do the duties not getting frustration if failures. How Jainism Analyses it and how Anger can be managed is discussed in her first paper.
Why we get lost in the world even knowing the Religion, is because of our Misbelief. We speak a lot of Religion but when it comes to Practice we totally forget the Truth. That is because of our Mohaniya Karma. Moha is affinity. On Moha this whole world is based whether living or Nonliving. These Karmas are Matter. Mind invites them through desires, throwing them on the Soul. The Soul suffers with the fruits of Karmas. Religious persons realize this complexity and ignore the Mind caring for the Soul. Soul has Gnan as its attribute, while Mind has Dhyan. Under the influence of Moha, with Mind being dominating one has Aprashasta Raaga, which brings Aartra and Roudra Dhyan. Both of these degrade the Soul. Religion suggests that this Raag if diverted to Satsanga, Bhakti, Worship or Puja making it Prashasta. Then one automatically orients self towards the Soul instead of the Mind. This shifts the Dhyan from Aartra and Roudra to Dharma Dhyan. Dharma Dhyan also has its grades. A born Jain may not have Dharma dhyan but a Dharma dhyani is a Jain. It gives him/her the true vision and an easy way of survival, never to get upset with the world and worldly relations. Hence, to be a Jain, one should do daily Puja. How, When and with what benefits is explained in the second paper.
41. Prof Vimal Prakash Jain is working for and determined to develop a global center for thorough education
and training in Jainism, Indian Religion & Culture, Yoga and Spirituality, Comparative Religion and other inter-related topics with the active involvement, cooperation of the international Jain Centers and organizations. He is working towards establishment of (1) a National Academy for Prakrit and Jainism, and (2) an International Institute for Intensive Education, Research and Training.
Three-millenia of the Jain Heritage
Hyatt Vienna
1:30 to 2:30 PM
Jainism is one of the oldest living religions of India. It goes back to minimum of 1000 B.C. The tradition of Rishbhadeva, the first Tirthankar, goes from 8000 to 1000 B.C. in historic India. The Jainas as the followers of Lord Mahavira and his direct predecessors like Parshvanath, have played an extremely glorious role in the history of ancient, mediaeval and modern India. V. P. Jain will discuss these achievements and contribution of Jains to 3 millenia
42. Sangeeta Kumar has been teaching people about making informed Lifestyle choices for over 8 years. She
has earned a B.A. in Environmental Leadership and is very passionate about proactively cultivating compassion among individuals and society at large. She has spoken around North America, and has been interviewed for numerous televisions, radio, and print stories, about animal rights, the environment and other socially relevant issues. Though not born into a Jain family, Sangeeta adopted vegetarianism at the age of seven and has embraced the Jain teachings of Jiv Daya. She believes strongly that talking the talk is not enough--we must walk the walk in order to create lasting social change.
Compassionate Living
Hyatt Florence
4:30 to 5:30 PM
The hows and whys of living a cruelty-free lifestyle. The power to change the world is in your hands! Come and learn about everyday steps you can make to make this world a better place for all life. If you are vegetarian that is a great step, but it does not end there, there is much more you can do. This workshop will empower and inspire you to take those steps. In addition to lifestyle choices we will spend a little time on other things you can do to make a difference such as letter writing, speaking, tabling etc. You can't miss this workshop, you will leave transformed!
43. Dr. Yasvant Malaiya is a professor of religious studies at University of Colorado. He has established one of
the largest Web Library (Jainism: Jain Principles, Tradition and Practices) on Jainism which connects to thousands of web sites for comprehensive study of Jainism.
| Jainism in the Internet age
Hyatt Rosemont Ballroom A-B
4:30 to 5:30 PM
JAINA Convention 2001 Program Book Page # 14
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