Book Title: JAINA Convention 2001 07 Chicago IL
Author(s): Jain Society of Metropolitian Chicago
Publisher: USA Jain Center Chicago IL
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Speaker: Archit Shah has been a student of Jainism for the past many years. He has presented several sessions at previous conventions and has been a member of Chicago's JAB team for the past 3 conventions. He has worked as a team member from Jain Center of Greater Boston that presented the Tattvarth Sutra during the last JAINA convention. Archit graduated from MIT with a major in computer science and is currently working as software engineer in Boston.
Number ABC 603
Speaker Lifestyles of the Eco- Rita Morabia, Rae Friendly:
Sikora and friends Environment and Religion
Time/ Location Friday 3:30-4:20 p.m. Hyatt, Turnberry
Session Information: Remember lifestyles of the rich & famous? Instead, Rae Sikora, Rita Morbia and friends present an interactive and lively workshop, revealing the Lifestyles of the Eco-Friendly! Participants go through a typical day of choices that we can make to support the environment & all life on earth. Covers issues from diet to consumerism to animals in labs to animals in entertainment to environmental. This workshop explores how you can apply Jainism and Ahimsa to your everyday choices!
Speaker: Rae Sikora is executive director of the Center for Compassionate Living and the International Institute for Humane Education in Surry, Maine. Rae developed this workshop and has been invited to present in all over North America.
Rita Morbia lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Following her graduation from McGill University, she worked with the Sierra Club of Canada for three years as their Biodiversity Campaign Director. She is currently working for Inter-Pares on community development. She has also lived in Swaziland.
Number AB 402R
Topic Living with Diversity
Speaker Rae Sikora
Time/ Location Saturday 1:30-2:20 p.m. Hyatt, Augusta A/B
AB 402
Sunday 9:30-10:20 a.m. Hyatt, Turnberry
Session Information: This very informative and interactive session will open the world of happy living in the world of non-vegetarianism. This workshop allows participants to see where the power lies in their own lives to live peacefully in an often less than peaceful world. Meditation and group participation will allow participants to know first hand the secrets of peaceful life while living as a vegetarian.
Speaker: Rae Sikora has been a spokesperson for animal rights, environment and, non-violence for over 20 years. She has been featured in magazines and on radio and television stations across the U.S., Canada and the Middle East. Rae is executive director of the Center for compassionate living and the International Institute for Humane Education in Surrey, Main. Rae Sikora graduated from University of Wisconsin with a degree in Cultural Anthropology and Environmental Education.
Number Topic ABC 602 No Purchase
Necessary Affluenza
Speaker Rae Sikora
Time Location Friday 2:30 -3:20 p.m. Hyatt, Grand Cypress A/B
Session Information: Rae Sikora leads participants as we discuss the ways consumerism is affecting our lives and all life on the planet. This interactive program takes a fresh new look at Non-Attachment (Aparigraha) in a modern-day setting. The workshop includes clips from the PBS Video "Affluenza". Af-flu-en-za (n)
1. The bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling you get from keeping up with the Mehtas. 2. An unsustainable addiction to economic growth.
JAINA Convention 2001 Program Book Page # 32
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