Book Title: JAINA Convention 1991 07 Northern California
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ "Extending Jain Heritage to the Next Generation” Ahimsa, A Solution to all Problems by Suketu Khandhar First Prize Winner Group 1 - Grades 9-12 Ahimsa is not impossible ! We can attain peace if we practice non-violence sincerely. Jainism is one of the oldest and a major religion of India and it has contributed immensely to the colorful mosaic of Indian conflicts and not being able to solve or cope iary of Ahimsa that can be applied to solve religion, philosophy, culture, art and social with them. Conflicts are everywhere. Just the problems. The true nature of things can life. The people who understand and follow look at the headlines. Drugs challenge the be learned by using logical viewpoints from Jainism are known as Jains. The word "Jain" city! Scandal in Washington! Spouse cheats different aspects. Every circumstance must comes from the word "Jina" which means after 25 years of marriage! First National be observed from different angles so as to spiritual guide or Thirthankar like Mahavir, Bank robbed! The Persian Gulf War is on! approach the absolute truth without probwho conquered the intemal enemies such as Headlines such as these take people's hearts lems. Then we must try to avoid conflicts of greed, possessiveness, violence, desire, an- and turn them around. Such conflicts lead to interest. This procedure will enable us to ger, etc. According to Jain scriptures, Jainism the undesirable events of break up of friend- decipher conflicts with knowledge of the is an age old eternal religion. Time and again ships, conspiracies, lies, cheating, stealing, truth and it will produce an atmosphere of Thirthankars are born and revitalize it. In fighting and even war. Only the understand- cooperation, understanding and peace. this time cycle, there were 24 Thirthankars. ing with sincere practice of Ahimsa is the Ahimsa is not impossible! We can atThe first was Rushabhdev and the last was solution to these international, national, lo- tain peace if we practice non-violence sinMahavirswami, who lived about 2500 years cal, personal and interpersonal problems that cerely. Many people have understood the ago. society faces today. true meaning of Ahimsa and reaped the Mahavirswami explained how Jainism Everyone wants world and personal benefits of such a powerful tool. Mahavir is based on three major principles. The first peace. This can be accomplished by elimi- taught us that Ahimsa would bestow genuand cardinal principle is Ahimsa or non nating the conflicts. However, first we must ine peace and happiness if we understand its violence. It means not to cause injury to any examine how conflicts develop and then importance and practice it earnestly. Malife including humans, animals, insects, and and strike at its root cause. When, and only hatma Gandhi showed the world that "nonvegetation. Ahimsa is the absence of any when, society is willing to explore the cause violence is mightier than the mightiest injury by means of mind, speech or body and effects of conflicts, can peace be at- weapon of destruction and it is the law of our tained. Society must also realize that peace spccies." Gandhiji, a believer of Jainism and knowingly or unknowingly. The pillar of Jainism is absolute non-violence toward is not the absence of conflict but the ability a faithful follower of Ahimsa, gained indeevery living being. Jainism has firmly held to cope with conflict. Once this understand- pendence of India through peaceful means. that life is sacred irrespective of species, ing is clear, we can pursue our goal of peace Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who was a great form, caste, color or creed. The philosophy through problem solving. follower of non-violence and Mahatma of non-violence is a living practice. More Conflicts are caused by polarization of Gandhi, made tremendous progress in civil than refraining from violence, it is a deep views, e.g. the prejudiced acceptance and rights and equality movements in America. reverence for all life. The other two are use of one-sided view points with the stub- If not the world, we as Jains must realize the Sanyam or self-control by regulation of ac borness of not to accept other views. Thisin true concept and power of Ahimsa so that we tions, speech, and thoughts, and Tap or pen turn leads to unyielding positions. It creates can become a beaconlight for all humanity. ance which is a self cleansing of the soul. conflicts and troubles that our world faces In the final analysis, society itself is a Ahimsa has a universal meaning: a today. The practice of Ahimsa as a spiritual collective concept based on individuals and meaning that all societies desire. It is peace. and social force would be possible if we their behaviors. Therefore, the principle of In our modern world, Ahimsa seems to be an appreciate others' view points. Anekantavada non-violence is a matter of careful practice unattainable goal. Although society has or multiplicity of view points is the intellec- by the individual members of the society. adopted this goal, the modern society is tual expression of Ahimsa. The principle of Ahimsa has many aspects which are helpful engrossed in anger, hate and other vices Anekantavada can help us in resolving our in resolving problems - equality of all because it is easy to hate, but difficult to feel differences and in minimizing the violence. living beings, Anekantavada to appreciate compassion, and so on. Practice of Ahimsa When we analyze the nature of conflicts on other's viewpoints, Syadvada to realize that calls for compassion and comprehension relation to Ahimsa, we will understand that truth is multifaceted, and compassion tothat all living beings have a sanctity and a we can change our habits and welcome oth- wards all souls. It does not matter whether dignity of their own and one has to respect it ers' views. In essence, that would be fol- one has a personal problem or an internaas one wants one's own dignity to be relowing the supreme religion of non-vio- tional dilemma, Ahimsa put to proper prac tice with faith and dedication can solve any spected. This true character of Ahimsa is lence to world peace. what society worships rather than practices. Anekantavada or Syadvada (theory of and all of them. Ahimsa is the solution to all Society falls into the trap of creating relativity or concept or maybe is a corol pro 6TH BIENNIAL JAINA CONVENTION JULY 1991 63 For Private & Personal Use Only Jain Education International 2010_03


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