"Extending Jain Heritage to the Next Generation"
Premchand Gada (Chairperson). Members: Sulekh circulation has been improving. It is mailed to about 5500 C. Jain, Mrs. Ila Kamdar, Pravin Shah, Mrs. Pramodaben families in North America, India, Europe, Asia and Africa. Chitrabhanu, Narendra Scth, Pravin Shah, Ratilal Dodhia, Manhar Shcth, Pawan Jain, Surendra Singhavi, John Cort, 3. AHIMSA MOVIE: JAINA assisted in the producPaul Kucpferle, Ram Gada, Santosh Shah, Pravin Turakhia, tion of a one-hour long documentary (shown on TBS) on and Lal Chand Jain.
Jainism. Producers of this documentary have also produced Marriage Information Service Committee
another documentary, "Voice of Planet" covering Jainism. F.J. Dalal (Chairperson), Mahendra Dosi, Bharati Salgia and Dinesh Punater.
4. JAINA LIBRARY: One main library in Lubbock, TX Young Jains of America (YJA)
and a branch library in Toronto (Canada) were established Urmila Talsania (Chairperson).Members: Ushma and are now functioning. Some scholars have started makShah, Vikram Sanghavi, Amar Salgia, Rajcev Shah, Navita ing use of these libraries. The JAINA Library was also Kumar, Nancy Jain, Reshma Shah, Seema Jain, Jina Shah, featured in a lengthy front page article in Lubbock daily Suketu Khandhar, Rita Morbia, Tushar Shah, Navita Dedhia, newspaper 'LUBBOCK AVALANCHE'. Anish Punatar, Manoj Trivedi, Samir Maru, Anup Salgia, Dipal Vaidya, Saume Daulat, and Binny Mehta.
5. YOUTH ACTIVITIES: JAINA has been diligently New Membership Development Committee
working to start many, many youth activities and thus getManoj Dharamsi (Chairperson), DhirajShah, Harakhting our youth involved in the Jain community and religion. Dedhia, Prem Jain and Naresh Shah.
A brief listing of the accomplishments are: Visiting Jain Scholar/Monks Committee
a) Young Jains of America (YJA). This national Naresh Shah (Chairperson), Nirmal Dosi, Bimal organization of youths has been launched, youth leaders Begwani, T.J. Salgia and Surinder Singhvi.
sclected and slowly it is taking shape and becoming active Constitution Amendment Committee
(sce report by Urmila Tansala on YJA). Manhar Sheth and Jagmonhan Humar (Co-Chair
b) Youth Forum in Jain Digest. This is now a reality persons), Arvind Vora, Manoj Dharamsi, T.J. Salgia and Shri and readers can feel the pulse of the youth from their letters Jain.
to editors and other articles. Regional Summer Camps Committee
c) The first JAINA/St. Louis Jain Center Summer Surinder Singhvi and Satish Nayak.
Camp was held in July 1990 and was a good success. JAINA Special Projects Committee
d) First Jain Youth Exchange Program from U.K. Jagat P. Jain (Chairperson), Arhant Jain, Shan Jain, Jit About twenty youth leaders are coming from U.K. as our Turakhia, Surendra Singhvi, Dhiraj Shah, Ravi Pahade and guests. It took a lot of planning, effort and dedication. This Shri Chand Jain.
is a very exciting accomplishment. JAINA Award Committee
e) Youth Seminars have become a regular feature in Jagat Jain (Chairperson), Dhiraj Shah, Manilal Mehta, JAINA Convention. Sixth Biennial Convention is a proof and Mahendra Pandya and Balu Kuria.
testimonial of this initiative. JAINA Election Committee
f) Jain Pratikaman in English has been made availVinay Jain (Chairperson), T.J. Salgia, Dinesh Jain able. Further refinements and improvements are in progress. (Toronto), Himat Dagli and Atul Khara.
g) Easy to read, simple, non-sectarian, well printed JAINA Convention Committee
educational material on Jainism (books, pamphlets, courses, Prem Jain (Chairperson), Satish Nayak, Surinder etc.) have been planned and slowly will be made available. Singhvi, Manhar Sheth, Arvind Vora, Indira Bhimani, Prem
h)First JAINA Essay Competition was initiated and Gada, Urmila Talsania and Pravin Shah.
results will be reported at this convention. JAINA Youth Essay Competition Committee: Girish Shah and Urmila Talsania
6. VISITING SCHOLAR PROGRAM: For several Judges: Dr. John Cort (Harvard), Dr.Jagdish Sharma years, JAINA has been sponsoring and coordinating the (University of Hawaii) and Narendra Sheth (San Diego). visits of many JAIN scholars, monks, nuns, Bhattaraks, artJAINA Youth Exchange Program
ists and prominent Jains to North America with good sucUrmila Talsania and S.A.B. Kumar
cess. JAINA Achievements and Accomplishments, 1981-1991
JAINA has had some major accomplishments to 7. MARRIAGE INFORMATION SERVICE: To meet fulfill its charter. Along with accomplishments, there are this important need of the Jain community, JAINA initiated many promises and expectations that remain to be realized. matrimonial ads in Jain Digest and creation of computerized This is part of our agenda for the second decade.
data bank for referrals. A humble beginning has been made. Here is a brief listing of some of the highlights: 1. GROWTH: JAINA's membership has grown from
8. TAINA AWARDS: JAINA must recognize some of the four to 50.
individuals who provide leadership, vision, time, energy,
intellect and financial resources in service of the Jain commu2. JAIN DIGEST: The news magazine was started in nity in North America. The JAINA award was started in 1989 1985. Consistently its style, quality and content as well as to recognize some of our very best.
JULY 1991
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