Book Title: Integral Yoga Its Nature and Significance
Author(s): G N Joshi
Publisher: Z_Pushkarmuni_Abhinandan_Granth_012012.pdf

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________________ Integral Yoga : Its Nature and Significance 878 • OC - ... A real surrender does not come easily and in a short time. It is a long arduous process. A complete surrender means to cut the knot of the ego in each part of the being and offer it, free and whole, to the Divine. The Mind, the vital, the physical consciousness and even each part of these in all its movements have one after the other to surrender separately, to give up their own way and to accept the way of the Divine. All kinds of knots are to be loosened and cut simultaneously and completely; then alone the grip of the 'ego' can be removed. Such an attitude should govern not only meditation but every thought, every feeling and every action of a person. Opening to the Divine The process of surrender is very closely connected with the 'Opening to the Divine.' In fact, a real surrender consists in becoming a passive or non-resisting vehicle or medium of the Divine power and will. In this regard Sri Aurobindo says that in the Integral Yoga the whole principle is to open oneself to the Divine influence. It is there above every one waiting to descend into. When one becomes conscious of it one has to call it down into oneself. It is a gradual opening of the mind and heart and then the vital to it. This opening is the attitude to accept whole-heartedly the influence and guidance when the joy and peace come down, to accept them without question or cavil and without the slightest reservations of the ego, and when it comes to receive and accept it without opposition and resistance and make oneself an efficient and effective receptacle of it, and also a faithful transmitting instrument of the Divine knowledge and will. The Divine can lead, He does not drive. Especially in the Integral Yoga all depends on whether one can open to the Divine Influence or not. If there is a sufficient sincerity in the aspirant and a patient will to arrive at the higher consciousness in spite of all obstacles, then the opening in one form or another is sure to come. It may take a long or short time according to the prepared or unprepared condition of the mind, heart and body of a person. What it requires is an earnest and intense desire or aspiration for it. One can actively make effort for its attainment by intensifying one's urge and aspiration. The Descent of the Divine Power is facilitated and hastened in proportion to one's earnestness and intensity of aspiration for it. It requires a patient waiting in addition to intensifying one's desire and aspiration. As Sri Aurobindo says there is no method in this Yoga except to concentrate, preferably in the heart, and call the presence and power of the Mother to take up the being and by the workings of her force transform the consciousness. When the mind falls quiet and the concentration becomes strong and the aspiration intense, then there is a beginning of the experience of the descending of the Divine light and consciousness in the individual's mind and heart. Faith The more the faith and intenser the aspiration and yearning the more rapid is the result likely to be. One never ought to forget that the divinisation of one's being cannot be done solely by one's own effort and tapasya, however intense and sincere it be. A corresponding response from the Divine to an individual's effort and calling are of great importance. The Way of Opening Openness to the Divine is felt when the sādhaka becomes conscious of the Divine Force working in him or of its results at a least and does not obstruct its descent or its action by his own mental activities, vital restlessness or physical obscurity and inertia. Surrender is the best way of opening. Surrender means to consecrate everything in oneself to the Divine, to offer all one is and has, not to insist on one's ideas, desires, habits etc., but to allow Divine Truth to replace them by its knowledge, will and action everywhere. As long as the ego and the vital continue to make and press for their demands complete and effective surrender becomes impos Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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