Book Title: Integral Yoga Its Nature and Significance
Author(s): G N Joshi
Publisher: Z_Pushkarmuni_Abhinandan_Granth_012012.pdf

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________________ Integral Yoga : Its Nature and Significance 234 The Supramental Experience In the supramental experience man will become one with cosmic being and universal Nature, he will contain the world in himself, in his own cosmic consciousness and feel himself one with all beings; he will see himself in all and all in himself, and become united and identified with the self which has become all existence. He then feels the Divine Light, Power and Bliss filling every strand of his nature, every cell and atom of his being, flooding his soul and mind and life and body, surrounding him like an illimitables sea and filling the world, suffering all his feeling and sense and experience, making all his life truly and utterly divine. In the instance of such an experience all relations with the Divine will be his. He will live in God and with God, possess God, as it is said even plunge in Him forgetting all separate personality, but not losing it in self-extinction. Divine Life The descent of the supermind will bring to one who receives it, and in the truth-consciousness all the possibilities of the divine life are fulfilled. A divine life on earth need not be a thing apart and exclusive having nothing to do with the common earthly existence ; it will take up human being nnd human life, transform what can be transformed and spiritualise what can be spiritualised. The supermind has the capacity and power to transform completely the nature and functions of the mind and body and to enhance their powers. Those who can open themselves and remain open to the influence of the supermind will feel in them a divinising change in their thought, will, feeling and acts, and all their resistances will be removed and difficulties will be solved by the pressure of the supramental light and power from above, pouring itself into the mind and life-force and the body. From Mind to Supermind This is the meaning of spiritual transformation and divinisation of man. The present man will be then free from the serious limitations and handicaps of his mentality. He will cease to be a mental being and become supramental. He will rise from the status of man to that of superman. Sri Aurobindo says that after the transformation of the mental men the place of the mind will be taken by the supermind. The present or existing human mind is very much limited, imperfect, open at every moment to all kinds of deviations from the truth or missing of the truth, all kinds of errors and openness even to the persuasions of a complete falsehood and perversion of the nature. The present mind is blinded by its own irrational impulses and urges, and has a tendency to be pulled towards inconscience and ignorance. The intellect is prone to interpret the higher knowledge in abstractions and indirect figures. The supermind will be free from all kinds of limitations, and is capable of the free and utmost perfection of itself and its instruments. The new man will be then a qualitatively different man and the new society will naturally be better in every respect since the actions will not be based on and governed by the defective and imperfect nature of the mind and ego of the present man. Since it will be a level of superior life and consciousness. Sri Aurobindo chooses to describe it as Super-Mind and Super-Man. Such a change into supermind will happen not only individuals but also in the entire human or species. The Future Humanity Sri Aurobindo says that the descent of the Supermind into the earthly existence will make tremendous changes in the life of man on the earth. The supramental change will exercise an immense influence on mankind as a whole, and it will bring about far reaching consequences. The Supermind will effect an uplifting and transforming change in the nature and function of the Mind itself. All the forms of thinking, willing and living of man will change fundamentally. A Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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