Book Title: ISJS Jainism Study Notes E5 Vol 01
Author(s): International School for Jain Studies
Publisher: International School for Jain Studies
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By giving up external objects one does become free from their possessions (aparigrahi). On the other hand the thought of not owning them and eliminating attachment with them make one free from their possession (i.e. he becomes aparigrahi).
Definition of parigraha/possessions
Parigraha had been defined by different ācāryas but the sum and substance of all definitions is one that described the pitiable condition of both parigraha and its owner. Jain Acāryas defined parigraha as 'parito grahanati ātmānayiti parihrahah i.e. the entity, which binds its owner from all side. Acārya Pujyapāda viewpoint is 'mamedam buddhi-lakṣaṇah parigrahah i.e. the feeling of mine towards other objects is possession. Akalanka in Rajavārtika on the other hand says, "due to the existence of greed and passions owning things is parigraha's 'mamedam vastu ahamasya svamityātmiyābhi-manah sankalpah parigraha etyucyate feelings like this is mine, I am its owner and similar feelings of attachment is possession."
According to Dhavala, "praigṛhyata eti parigraha bähyärthaḥ kṣeträdih parigrahyate anenoti ca pragirahaḥ bähyārtha grahnaheturaja parināmah eti parigrahah' i.e. what we own or what is owned by us is parigraha. Thus according to this statement area or other such external objects are parigraha. And 'parigrhyate aneneti ca pragirahah 'implies the entity by which such external objects are owned is parigraha. Both put together lead us to think that the psychic states which are the causes of developing the feelings of ownership of external objects are parigraha SamayasaraAtmakhyāti says 'iccha parigrahahi.e. the desire is parigraha itself. Acarya Sayyambhava also has defined parigraha on the same lines. 'nāyapūtteņa tāiņā'mucchā parigraho vutto.10 To get attached or to develop bondage to a particular entity or by developing attraction towards external objects resulting in the loss of clear thinking faculty (viveka) are parigraha. In this way in a state of delusion developing infatuation towards an entity and then owning it is parigraha 11 While criticizing the
4Acārya Pujyapāda, Sarvärthasiddhi 7/17/695
5 Rājavārtika 4/21/3/326
6 Rajavārtika 6/15/3/525
7Dhavala. 12/4,2,8,6/282/9
8 Jainendra Siddhanta Kośa, 3/24
9 SamayasaraÃtmakhyāti 210
10 Daśavaikälika 6.20
11 Parsamantāta Mohabuddhaya grhyate Sa Parigraha, Purusārthasidhyupāya, 116
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