Haribhadra, Jainism and Yoga
of sublimating his deep feelings for his pupils. His constant aspiration for knowledge, his deep love of learning and teaching, his insight for truth into practice at once, his catholocity of mind and his integral approach to life and knowledge seem to reach its zenith in the sublimation of his deep emotional feelings for his pupils and in his decision to devote the rest of his life in creative intellectual activities in the form of writing books. The narrowness of Buddhists could kill his pupils but it at the same time kindled spiritual fire in the heart of Haribhadracārya. The narrowness of sects all around inspired Haribhadra to soar on to gfeat height3 and find out a way to cure the deep rooted disease of secterianism. The found the cure in his integral vision and synthesizing approach to all know ledge and to all life. Naturally this vision of integration led him to Yoga. He studied Yoga works in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. This study. confirmed his integral approach and enlarged his synthesising mind. It gave him such a clear vision for integration that he tried to integrate different Yoga Systems. Yoga means many things to many people but all Yoga is for integration of mind and personality and this is a universally accepted fact. But the mind of the commonality sees and creates differences where there are none and adopts secterian approach even in the field of Yoga which is basically an integrating force. So the task for Haribhadracārya was not easy but he by his adamant will, fearless action and prolific creativity successfully attempted to synthsize all Yoga in his own style. This could bring forth four of his works on Yoga. His works on Yoga made it quite clear that he was essentially a Yogi. His very life, his conduct and his creation reveal amply his Yogic integrality and equanimity along with continuous sublimation of the forces of his psyche.
Integrated Personality
The two dramatic and transforming great incidents in Haribhadra's life well express the fast process of integration of his personality. This process of integration was at the zenith in the creation of his Yoga works.
It is worthwhile here to have a clear concept of the two terms (1) integration and (2) personality as they are to be repeated many a time in these lectures. Moreover these terms have varied meanings and are sometimes differently interpreted by different people in various contexts.
The term integration in Psychology generally means "The process by which organic, psychological or social material is combined and organized into a complex whole at a higher level." Integration is not mere com. bination of the component elements but it is a live process and organizes.
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