Haribhadra and Psychosynthesis
All the emphasis on efforts is appropriate because the goal in yoga is very difficult to achieve and most intense strivings alone can lead man swiftly on the spiritual path. But the efforts must be in the right direction and precaution is to be taken at every step. One step missed and there would be a disaster. What would then save the initiate on his very difficult journey? It is satsanga which can be a sure guide to him. All scriptures prescribe this basic measure to all the aspirants. Haribhadra cannot overlook this useful measure and he suggests this remedy to get out of the worldly attachment and atmosphere by means of satsanga or the company of good and saintly persons and in their absense to have satsanga with high thoughts in the scriptures. He describes such contacts with saintly persons and scriptures as a sort of yoga in Kārikā 85 of Yogadęstisamuccaya. The merit of satsanga is great because by good company man has before him a direct example of good conduct; he thinks good thoughts and is inspired to higher life and does not have any chance for unholy thoughts or actions. This is a matter of day-to-day experience of every man that good company has a very healthy influence on man and specially the sādhaka. Satsanga means the contact with the ultimate Truth and this is the true meaning of this word. The use of good company is also for the contact of the good and true which reside in all of us. Moreover satsanga can be readily available. It can be had in the form of reading good books too. Thus satsanga plays a great part in the day-to-day practice of yoga.
But satsanga can be useful only if the sādhaka is sincere to the core and is ready to throw off all that he finds in himself faulty and perverse. He must confess at least before his Guru or a worthy person his sins and vices in order to get rid of them all and nip them in the bud. Haribhadra knows the true value of remorse for and confession of sins and this can well be seen from such of his remarks in Kārikā 17 of Yogadęstisamuccaya. This practise of remorse for one's sins is an established principle even in the modern abnormal psychology. It leads man to accept himself as he is and by such confession and remorse alone he can cleanse himself. This practice found place in every religion because it is psychologically a sound principle. After such cleansing of bis heart and mind if the sādhaka taies resort to satsanga it surely would have a marked effect on him in no time,
The next and perhaps equally important yoga concept is that of śraddhā or faith. Faith can be generated by satsanga. Bhagvat Gitā declares without any hesitation that the man becomes what faith he holds, his very being is made of faith. 12 Inversely it can be said that a man's actions
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