Book Title: Gurudev Ke Saath
Author(s): Gurdial Mallikji, Pratap J Tolia, Sumitra P Toliya
Publisher: Vardhaman Bharati International Foundation

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Page 23
________________ lit. They are only the two sides of the same coin to love man and God both. The people till now tied me up with rules, but henceforth ------ "I AM WAITING ONLY FOR LOVE" Because now I don't want to act as per the dictates of the world. Due to such a resolve of mine, people those who were walking together with me till yesterday, do not walk on my path today. They say: "One screw of this person has become loose!" it is O.K. But these "loose screw people" only have lead the world on the right track. Yes, the people of the world keep their screws so rigidly tight that remains no place for the God to enter within it. But that thief (God) enters inside at any time. He does not come when we cry and call him. He comes down silently of his own, when we do not call him. Therefore one has to remain alert and ready for him at all times and all the places, who knows when he comes and knocks the door! The persons, who have real love, remain prepared always. Love is the law of life. Then only the name of God can be uttered, when the entire life is full of love. He only can proceed towards God, who has real love for anybody. Love, first of all, should be towards own Mother. When real love acquires place in life, then only a human being sublimes up: "LOVE IS LAVITATION, NOT GRAVITATION". That is why Emerson replied when someone told him that "The girl who resides in our neighbourhood, has fallen in love with some young man" in these words:-"DON'T SAY 'FALLEN' IN LOVE, SAY 'RISEN' IN LOVE".. Many of you might have such an experience, Gentlemen! Hence extort complete advantage of this experience. Sometime might certainly have passed in that, towards which your mind might have been attracted. Majnu will see Layla in all the woman and Layla will find every man as Majnu. But why that effect does not prevail for whole of the life? If there is any sin in life, then it is to play with the love of someone.........! To mingle into dust the Right of Real Love that God has gifted to us!! The real lovers, real affectionate people are very few, who hold that love. Only that person can make Love, who gives up all-in-all, who does not think of bargain...!!! In today's Love there is no inner temptation, but there is 'tea'! Tea party was given, second time given, third time given and if the opposite person did not give Tea Party for once, then we greatly angry. What is this any bargain of the Market? We sit down obstinately, saying "He did not invite me in his Daughter's marriage; hence I will also not invite him in my Daughter's marriage". Meaning of Love is sacrifice. If we learn it down, then we understood the mystery of life and acquired Joy too! There is no love where there is no sacrifice. How much shall we betray God? He does not bring doubt against anyone whose heart is full of real love. Says my Gurudev: "THEY, WHO LOVE ME, TRY TO HOLD ME FAST TO THEMSELVES.... BUT THOU WHO LOVEST ME, HAST LEFT ME FREE".. Have entered into knot of Love with someone wrote one letter. No reply came. Wrote another one, reply received. That's all, the doubt arose, anticipated something with prejudice, no patience was left. What is this Love? There is no sin in making love. If there is sin, then its culprit is 'he' who taught us to Love! What had we brought from God when we came into the lap of the Mother? Did we bring any 'Letter of Introduction' that this is your Mother, make love with her? Did such a thing happen? Here, Love had arisen on very look towards the Mother! There is in our love. And hence neither we have learnt to love God, nor to human being! One more thing is there in love. When love takes place in the beginning, when the mind is attracted towards someone due to 'his' grace, then all thoughts that enter are only about that 'someone'. Till now thoughts were going on about own self only, there was Ego. Now the Ego will reduce to some extent, anxiety of some other one and eagerness to see some other one will increase. But if we love only that one with whom heart has been attracted and if we do not love others, then that precious thing starts meeting into the dust. Love is a Flame. If I -21


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