Book Title: Gospel Of Matthew
Author(s): Mark Luke John
Publisher: Mark Luke John

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Page 63
________________ say, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations?'. But you have turned it into a 'den of thieves!"" 11:18-19 The chief priests and scribes heard him say this and tried to find a way of getting rid of him. But they were in fact afraid of him, for his teaching had captured the imagination of the people. And every evening he left the city. Jesus talks of faith, prayer and forgiveness 11:20-21 One morning as they were walking along, they noticed that the fig-tree had withered away to the roots. Peter remembered it, and said, "Master, look, the fig-tree that you cursed is all shrivelled up!" 11:22-26 - "Have faith in God," replied Jesus to them. "I tell you that if anyone should say to this hill, 'Get up and throw yourself into the sea', and without any doubt in his heart believe that what he says will happen, then it will happen! That is why I tell you, whatever you pray about and ask for, believe that you have received it and it will be yours. And whenever you stand praying, you must forgive anything that you are holding against anyone else, and your Heavenly Father will forgive you your sins." Jesus' authority is directly challenged 11:27-28 So they came once more to Jerusalem, and while Jesus was walking in the Temple, the chief priests, elders and scribes approached him, and asked, "What authority have you for what you're doing? And who gave you permission to do these things?" 11:29-30 - "I am going to ask you a question," replied Jesus, "and if you answer me, I will tell you what authority I have for what I do. The baptism of John, now - did it come from Heaven or was it purely human? Tell me that." 11:31-32 - At this they argued with each other, "If we say from Heaven, he will say, 'then why didn't you believe in him?' but if we say it was purely human, well..." For they were frightened of the people, since all of them believed that John was a real prophet. 11:33 So they answered Jesus, "We do not know." "Then I cannot tell you by what authority I do these things," returned Jesus. CHAPTER 12 Jesus tells a story, with a pointed application 12:1a - Then he began to talk to them in parables. 12:1b-11 - "A man once planted a vineyard," he said, "fenced it round, dug out the hole for the wine-press and built a watch-tower. Then he let it


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