Book Title: Gospel Of Matthew
Author(s): Mark Luke John
Publisher: Mark Luke John

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________________ Law and about whom the Prophets wrote too. He is Jesus, the son of Joseph and comes from Nazareth." 1:46 - "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" retorted Nathanael. "You come and see," replied Philip. 1:47 - Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards him and remarked, "Now here is a true man of Israel; there is no deceit in him!" 1:48 - "How can you know me?" returned Nathanael. "When you were underneath that fig-tree," replied Jesus, "before Philip called you, I saw you." 1:49 - At which Nathanael exclaimed, "Master, you are the Son of God, you are the king of Israel!" 1:50-51 - "Do you believe in me," replied Jesus, "because I said I had seen you underneath that fig-tree? You are going to see something greater than that! Believe me," he added, "I tell you all that you will see Heaven wide open and God's angels ascending and descending around the Son of Man!" CHAPTER 2 The Son of God and a village wedding 2:1 - Two days later there was a wedding in the Galilean village of Cana. 2:2-3 - Jesus' mother was there and he and his disciples were invited to the festivities. Then it happened that the supply of wine gave out, and Jesus' mother told him, "They have no more wine." 2:4 - "Is that your concern, or mine?" replied Jesus. "My time has not come yet." 2:5 So his mother said to the servants, "Mind you do whatever he tells you." 2:6-11 - In the room six very large stone water-jars stood on the floor (actually for the Jewish ceremonial cleansing), each holding about twenty gallons. Jesus gave instructions for these jars to be filled with water, and the servants filled them to the brim. Then he said to them, "Now draw some water out and take it to the master of ceremonies", which they did. When this man tasted the water, which had now become wine, without knowing where it came from (though naturally the servants who had drawn the water knew), he called out to the bridegroom and said to him, "Everybody I know puts his good wine on first and then when men have had plenty to drink, he brings out the poor stuff. But you have kept back your good wine till now!" Jesus gave this, the first of his signs, at Cana in Galilee. He demonstrated his power and his disciples believed in him. Jesus in the Temple


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