Book Title: Glory Of Jainism

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________________ A critical study of the supreme science of Brahmavidya : called philosophy is considered as the first and foremost duty of human life in India. Hence many a Western scholar has admitted that every child in India 18 a philosopher. Inspite of the many vicissitudes of life, a number of philosophical schools exist aven today in every corner of the country. I must say briefly that all these philosophical schools can be comprehended und er three main systems of thought, the Vedic, the Buddhist and the Jaina. It is my purport here to write about the antiquity and glory of Jainism. All these three schools have their foundations on five eternal and fundamental tenete - Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmach arya (cele bacy) and Aparigraha (non-attachment). These five fundamental principles have been interpreted in different ways by different schools of thought like Pancha Mahavratas, Pancha Yamas and Panch Shila. But whatever may be the interpretations, the inherent unity of these five tenets will be apparent to all scholars. Men ha ving been gifted with the majestic power of intelligence and thinking must find out where real success exists in life. Otherwise, he would be misled by blind faith, fanatical thoughts and dogmatic ideals to wrong directions with the result that all his attempts for his emancipation and self-reali sation would ultimately prove futil. The wise thinkers, therefore, have la id down three mediums for the scrutiny of the ultinate truth. The se med jums are shruti (scriptural authority), Yukti (stand


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