Book Title: Glory Of Jainism

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________________ GLORY OF JAINISM. It is obviously seen that our mundene life mainly depends upon the support of the substances existing in the comic sphere. We cannot preserve our existence even for a single moment without the assistance of these substances. Mother na ture has provided us with almost all the essential artioles and useful materials for our protection, progress and prosperity. Great seers and thinkers after subtle study and observation have come to the conclusion that there exists an inevitable relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm. Hence in such cira me tances, man must acquire a fair knowledge of the fundamentals of the Cosmic Order; otherwise, he will have to suffer the serious consequences of his ignorance. The sublime science which deals with this subject is called philosophy. It is the fountain head of all science known to mankind. The study of world history will convince every one that the wise thinkers of India had a de marvellous efforts and achieved great success in the sphere of philosophy. This is the main reason why India is called the cradle of wisdom and truth; and the centre of culture and philosophy. I may tell you with a pardonable pride that the soil of this sacred land of India has produced many cele brated phil230 phers as compared to any other countries of the world. These celebrated personages are called Rishis and Maharshis and the enlightened knowledge expounded by them is called Brahmavidya - Atmavidya or Self-Enlightenment. 6.2.


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