Gems of Jainism
Notes: 1. Dr. S Radhakrishnan. “Religion and culture”, Orient
Paperback,Delhi 1968 - p. 788 Dr.P.Nagaraja Rao and others(Ed.) “Radhakrishnan Readeran Anthology,Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan 1988. P 435 Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, 'Religion and Culture', Orient Paperback, Delhi 1968, p. 10 Hasting James (Ed) ‘Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics’, p.
125 5. Dr. S Radhakrisshnaan, “An Idealist View of Life" p. 134
See: Contemporary Inddian Philosophy, George Alien and Unwin, London 1952 page 486-87 J. F. Ross, “Religion in Neo-Scholastic Tradition" an Essay in “Religion in Philosophical and Cultural Perspective” (Ed) J. Clayton Fearer and William Harsoz1971,p.117
Ibid pp. 129 9. Swami Paramananda, Faith is power' Advaita Ashram,
Calcutta, 1998 p.p.37 10. Ross J.F., “Religion in Neo Scholastic Traddition” p.p. 121 11. Sri Haribhadrasuri, 'Lalit Vistara' Vol I, commentary by Sri
Bhanuvijayaji pp 20 12. The Ten Activities are faith (Shraddha), holy communion
(satsanga), eulogy or religion song (stavan or bhajan), renunciation (Nivriti), Sincerity (Nistä), special interest (Ruchi Visesa), firmness (Dradha Anuraga), love (Pramotpatti), emotional stat (Bhāvanubhuti) and strong devotion (Parā
Bhakti) 13. J.F. Ross - Religion in Neo Scholastic Tradition' pp. 120 14. Ibid pp. 120 15. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, 'Indian Philosophy' Vol I pp. 399 16. 'Uttaradhyayan Sutra' IX 35 17. Dr.J.P.Jain,"Religion and culture of Jains” Bharatiya Jnanpith
Publication, New Delhi 1977 pp. 102,103
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