Book Title: Fragments Of Pramana Samuccaya
Author(s): Massaki Hattori
Publisher: Massaki Hattori

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________________ (71) Fragments of Pramanasamuccaya (M. Hattori) karyasamam etat tu tridha vaktr-abhisandhitah. PS, VI, k. 7 (12 a, 4, 171 b, 1): hbras nid gsan gyi cha yis ni // bsgrub bya ma grub par mthon gan // de ni hbras mtshuns hdi yan na // smra pohi bsam pas rnam gsum mo/ This verse gives the definition of karyasama and further states that it is classified into three in accordance with the intention of the disputant. The part of definition (stanzas a-c) is identical with NM, 5 b, 1-2 and is cited in NVT and TSP (cf. NMD, p. 66) and also at PKM, p. 275, 6-7. Three kinds of karyasama, i. e., asiddha, viruddha and anaikantika or drstantabhasa are referred to at NM, 5 b, 27-5 C, 1. Prajnakaragupta quotes the first verse of Alambanapariksa at VA, p. 336, 5. The verse cited by Kamalasila at TSP, p. 582 (cf. Poussin, JA, 1930), slightly differs from the Tibetan version, with which the following qoted in VA is exactly coincident. yady apindriya-vijnapteh karanan paramanavah, atad-abhataya nasya aksa-vad vinayo'navah |dban poui rnam par rig pahi rgyu // phra rab rdul dag yin mod kyil. | der mi snan phyir deni yul ni // rdul phran ma yin dban po bsin/ Note: (Abbrev.) NM, Nyayamukha (Chin.), Taisho, XXXII; PKM, Prameyakamalamartanda, Bombay, 1941; Svavrtti, Acarya-Dharmakirteh Pra. manavarttikam, Svarthanumanaparicchedah, Allahabad, 1943; VA, Prama. navarttikabhasyam or Varttikalamkarah of Prajnakaragupta, Patna, 1953; others are as commonly used. Folio number of PS (V) shows that of Pek. Ed. No. 97 (Ce). Kanakavarman's transl. is referred to in principle, while Vasudhararaksita's transl. is touched upon only in case of necessity. Besides the concerned studies so far published both in Japanese and in foreign languages, I, thanks to the kindness of Jain Muni Jambuvijaya, could refer to the proof of his PS (V), Pratyaksapariccheda, Appendix to Nayacakravrtti, which will soon be published. PS (V), I, kk, 1-13deg is almost perfectly reconstructed by him, who extensively refers to sources in which passages of PS (V) are quoted. - 325 --


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